Kudos on the new gallery list drop-down!!
I just want to say that the new drop-down gallery list in the "Collect Photo" dialog box is fantastic!! It's about time!!

Listing the categories with gallery fly-outs is a billion times easier than navigating through the current "move to gallery" drop-down list, which lists every gallery (no categories) in the order that they were created. It must be possible to change the style of the "move to gallery" drop-list to match the new "collect to gallery" list.

Listing the categories with gallery fly-outs is a billion times easier than navigating through the current "move to gallery" drop-down list, which lists every gallery (no categories) in the order that they were created. It must be possible to change the style of the "move to gallery" drop-list to match the new "collect to gallery" list.
And anywhere else there is a list of galleries - like when setting gallery pricing in a new gallery creation screen...
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please visit: www.babyelephants.net