Happy Apple Customer

The Bad news, My computer died Saturday night and when I got to looking why it died I found out I had an antifreeze leak, yes antifreeze, My g5 duel 2.7 was bleeding. My computer is 6 months past the extended warrany experation date (4.5 years old). I jumped on the internet with my other computer and visited www.xlr8yourmac.com and did some looking. Thanks to this site I called Apples customer service to see what they could do for me. I got a phone call back today and they are going to cover all repairs related to the leak at no charge to me. :clap :barb Talk about excellent customer service. Just wanted to let everybody know about the great things from apple support.
I had mine worked on several times, until they ultmately replaced the whole box, and that failed also.
My present Intel quad core Power Mac has been flawless, though.
I will give Apple credit, they never balked at trying to fix my dual G5; I just got tired of being on a first name basis with my dealer.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
He took one look at the repair history and said, "You know, I think we've put you through enough. We appreciate your patience with those attempted repairs. I'll put in an order right now for a completely new powerbook." (And again, this machine's AppleCare had just expired)
Now, that's not to say that kind of story will always happen. But in general there's more success stories than horror stories in my experience. The big key is to realize that being ugly with someone is the fastest path to "I'm sorry sir, there's nothing I can do."
Nikon D300, 18-135/3.5-5.6, 70-300/4.5-5.6, SB800