Today's Popular Photo
Hi, I'm confused about Today's Popular Photo. I posted a photo on Saurday and got many views. The photo dropped out of the Popular page the next day but I continued to get "hits" on the image and it continues through Monday. The photo is not displayed anywhere that I can see (not in the all time favorites either), so how am I still getting thousands of views?? Thank you.
You can read up on how 'popular' works on this help page -
Your photos attain 'popular' status through the proactive actions of your visitors. Just looking at an image won't make it popular (of course
"Todays Popular Photos" reset every night to make way for a new set the following day > images that appear in the set early, may be 'knocked out' of the set as the day progresses, and traffic etc increases and causes other images to 'rise above.'
I do hop that clarifies - if you have more questions, don't hesitate to write us on the HELP desk:
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