DSS #47 input wanted

Hi all,
I've just recently returned after an absence since last summer due to a lot of personal reasons. I'm enjoying being back and hearing thoughts/suggestions. I entered a few of the challenges (DSS and minis) before I was gone and just 1 since returning, I think.
Each of my entries seems to be way off, or not along the same lines (thought process AND quality) or something as others'. I'm not sure where I'm going off, but I'm not hitting the mark with anything I enter. I know there is no magic bullet of advice to give me a "Bingo! That's it!" moment, but any thoughts, input, suggestions would be great.
Here is my potential entry for a Beginning, but I'm not sure I'll even enter it (or others) until I get a better handle on either my thought process for entries or my quality or both. I have, of course, perused challenge gallery after gallery after gallery on dgrin over the past year or so but apparently I'm not learning from viewing others' images like I should be!
So here is the beginning of a storm for your input:
I've just recently returned after an absence since last summer due to a lot of personal reasons. I'm enjoying being back and hearing thoughts/suggestions. I entered a few of the challenges (DSS and minis) before I was gone and just 1 since returning, I think.
Each of my entries seems to be way off, or not along the same lines (thought process AND quality) or something as others'. I'm not sure where I'm going off, but I'm not hitting the mark with anything I enter. I know there is no magic bullet of advice to give me a "Bingo! That's it!" moment, but any thoughts, input, suggestions would be great.
Here is my potential entry for a Beginning, but I'm not sure I'll even enter it (or others) until I get a better handle on either my thought process for entries or my quality or both. I have, of course, perused challenge gallery after gallery after gallery on dgrin over the past year or so but apparently I'm not learning from viewing others' images like I should be!
So here is the beginning of a storm for your input:

Kara Stewart
And I like the storm idea. As for the title and the intention, this could easily be: the middle of a storm. Seems if it was beginning it would have something that would show that it was a Beginning, such as a line of clouds against a sunny day, or rain coming across a parking lot or field or what have you.
I admit to be personally bereft at figuring out themes and executing them. So I tread the same ground as you.
Continuing with this idea I would recommended the above mentioned SHOWING it as a beginning, allowing the photo to tell more than the words.
Thanks, Tom - and good thoughts. I agree with you, just hadn't thought of it that way since it really WAS the beginning of a storm!
They absolutely ARE good images, no doubt about it. I guess I'm just saying that I agree with you about the ambiguity on theme about my storm one, but the same seems to me like it could be said of many of the winners of past challenges - and so my lack of understanding. And that is what led me to think that maybe it's not the sticking to and execution of theme, exactly, but perhaps the quality that is the difference?
But yeah, absolutely agree that it would have been better if I had been able to somehow get a shot of the storm that showed it 'beginning' more clearly. Weatherman doesn't expect a repeat through the end of the week, though.
Well, it makes sense to try and figure out what is different about your entries versus what is winning in the challenges. And yet, much like an IQ test tests how well you did on a given set of questions. The challenge photos and photo winners are a result of how well a given set of folks liked a particular image. So really, while it is relevant, it is a microcosm and perhaps even a niche. That said, don't be fooled by me or your interpretations of what we see at first glance. On second or perhaps third glance what I see is usually excellent execution of a theme and technique.
As for what you see in the photo gallery of the challenges. What you see is folks giving it their best shot, or at least I hope that is what we see.
As far as the past challenges, did you look and find the critiques offered by the judges? Sometimes it does help to read what others say in a critical way to help us see what we didn't see before. And submitting this photo for critique today ought to have aided you in some way, that was the intention , right?
As an aside, I have only entered a handful of challenges. I have only 'placed' in one. But each time I have entered, I have given it my best shot and have been happy with my imagery.
Once again, I see no issue with the quality of the photo you presented. It is well done seems to me.
cheers, Hope this helps!
I really think this image is well done too....
fwiw, my first reaction to the image with the theme in mind was this is the "end of a long day....."
I didnt even compute it to weather.....:D
see we all are crazy.
In this case of your photo above, I think it is a good photo. I look at a picture like this and try to think what the out of camera shot looked like, and what I might've done differently in processing it. The composition makes me want to play with it a little, maybe cropped to 4:5 ratio removing the left building, or some of the bottom cropped a bit. The whole thing seems just a little flat, and without knowing for sure I would improve it or not, would probably be playing with the curves to try and increase the contrast a bit. Lastly, either the ISO or the processing has left you with some noise in the sky that, in my opinion, takes away from the drama of the clouds a bit. BUT, all of this is meaningless (especially coming from me, since I have never won a challenge), because what the picture does quite nicely is evoke the ominous mood of the storm. So the way I look at these challenges, win or lose, is they're a great way to learn from others. And the picture that wins is the picture that grabs most of the voter's eyes. That I may or may not agree with the choice just shows how subjective the whole art (vs editorial) thing really is.
A dramatic moment, yes, but...enough said about indicating the end of or beginning of a storm.
I want to mention that the street lamps are too bright and distracting. The one on the right grabbed my eyes first, then to the other lights and the buildings in this complex. The clouds did not get my attention until after I started reading the first message.
I'm also setting the goal for myself of trying each of the themes, because they require me to stretch, and give me a focus for my photography, to push me out of ruts.
(oh, and my kids love it -- my daughter actually asked me yesterday what this weeks theme was, and then made a bunch of suggestions).
Thanks, and . . .yep! Including me!:D
Thank you - and good ideas and thoughts. I do see what you mean about being either fabulous images or really dead on with the theme. And thanks for your technical input and suggestions - I appreciate your taking the time for that. I know what you mean about it being a little flat - that and the other things were kind of what I was talking about about the quality of my stuff compared with some others. Definitely a learning process.
I actually like the lights as they are (right now anyway), so they stay as is (for the moment). I think I like the feeling they give at that bright level. Thanks for your input, though, I appreciate it.
I'm going to agree with Aaron, when I saw this my first thought was that it was a very nice twilight "end of the day" image, the clouds added drama but weren't significant enough to say oncoming storm to me. Also imho the lights are right as they are, they don't distract me but add to the ambiance of the scene.
As to thought process wouldn't it be boring if we all thought the same way & came up with very similar visions to each challenge. Even in the "shoe" challenge there was a wide set of interpretations.
As to winning entries my one rather cynical thought, with no disrespect intended to anyone, is find a way to interpret the theme that includes, preferably a high, level of cute. Images containing "cute" seem to do better if they make it to the voting round, not so much the X factor as the Aahh factor.
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You know, after hearing from some of you, I'm not quite ready to entirely drop the idea of figuring this thing out - but mostly ready. I'm thinking that perhaps there is no point in trying to figure it out, trying to figure out why some shots do well in challenges and some don't. I think the point that you all made is very valid about all of us thinking differently. So yeah, there are a bunch of shots I completely don't get how they fit a theme and yeah, then they end up winning or placing or being very popular and I end up completely mystified as to how they go with the theme (cute or otherwise!).
The flip side being, of course, that there will be a bunch of people who completely don't get how my shot fits a particular theme. Which might be just fine. I like what someone said about "if you were to walk up on this image, would it shout out (theme) to you?" but I also like what someone else said about entering images that YOU like, that speak to YOU, that you feel are your best right now at this point in your development. Oh wait, maybe that someone was me.
Anyway, point being, maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe I enter what I like from what I am currently shooting and working on and if I see the theme in it, then so be it, since we all see the theme differently anyway.
Whew! :whew
Really interesting to hear various opinions on this and I thank you all for taking the time to write.
but I love the atmosphere, and the lights.
As to what wins?
The judges change each time, they have nothing but their own feelings as to what speaks to the theme best...and so some rounds their choices may feel somewhat.... (no offense, judges)...arbitrary or lacking or choosing because they DO in fact know the 'backstory' as opposed to any specific criteria that is used over and over....
its all interpretation!
Yeah, I hear you. I'm not even saying I want to win or even place when I enter. I just have had this feeling of 'my stuff is way out in left field' sense after seeing what wins or places, and so I was trying to figure that out. But perhaps that's not important anyway.
So I'm now just left with whether or not I bother to enter this one for Beginning or Ending. Maybe not since it doesn't seem to give the feeling I though it gave of right before a storm starts. Maybe that was because yeah, rteest, I got wet! But then again, maybe I do since there are others entered that seem to rely on 'backstory' also and not outright depiction of the theme. Hmmmmm....
If you think you have something that works better, then use that. Otherwise, use this. If you don't enter this, you have no chance!!
What I like about the challenges is that they force me to think a bit. Would I be shooting the particular images anyway? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But the HAVING a topic causes you to LOOK with eyes that see, ya know?
The first challenge I entered, I got into the finalists. Since then, I don't think I have. But, I am very happy with some of the images I have taken, and the opportunity to get out looking for them!
Secondly, one of the beautiful parts about the challenges is the diversity of interpretation of the theme(s), and the challenge it poses each of us in executing and communicating our visions. While being rather new to the Dgrin challenge scene, I have appreciated the different thought processes and photographic techniques presented amongst the wide range of photographers. Being a stakeholder by entering a submission, allowing the critical analysis of my photos, and my critique of others' have allowed me to sharpen my humble skills bit by bit. At minimum, it is a great exercise in creating art from the graphic-artist approach (audience-focused/commissioned work). And if the photo does not seem to fit the theme according to some of the audience, so what? If you were not happy with the original anyways, it gives ya a good excuse to reprocess or go out and shoot again (yipee!) either with another interpretation or with improved technique. Or if you feel the entry embodies your interpretation of the theme well, then it would be our privilege to see your vision
(The short response is: Ya gotta enter something! It's fun! And I like the left field!)
The few photos I've had that have made it to the finals did so because they appealed to one of the judges. Some of them got no votes in the final round. I am still working to create the image that WOWs everyone.
Before I started the challenges, I did no PP. I had no clue about WB or fstop. This is my photography school. I can see my work getting better. Thanks, everyone!