Upload size
I hope this is the right place for this if not mods feel free to move it to the proper place.
I know there isn't a set answer for this question as there are many variables. With my camera set to 12M Best quaility my jpgs are around 5 mb each. Some may be printed and probably 8x10 at the largest so I'm guessing 5 mb is a little over kill. I want to retain the excellent picture quality that I am seeing with the new camera. So my question is what would be a good size to store at SM and would you do it by lowering the camera output or some sort of post processing. Any post processing would be done on a Linux machine running Linux Mint 8 which is a spinoff of Ubuntu.
I know there isn't a set answer for this question as there are many variables. With my camera set to 12M Best quaility my jpgs are around 5 mb each. Some may be printed and probably 8x10 at the largest so I'm guessing 5 mb is a little over kill. I want to retain the excellent picture quality that I am seeing with the new camera. So my question is what would be a good size to store at SM and would you do it by lowering the camera output or some sort of post processing. Any post processing would be done on a Linux machine running Linux Mint 8 which is a spinoff of Ubuntu.