Problem uploading with Lightroom - Anyone else?

EDIT FROM ANDY (SmugMug): We're not sure where the problem lies - both SmugMug and Jeffrey Friedl are looking at the issue. For now - best bet is to export to JPG (I use a temp folder on my desktop so I can easily delete it later) and then upload by dragging jpgs to our Simple Uploader (in-browser).
We'll update here when we have more news.
I keep getting a checksum error when trying to upload. It's making this long process of photo delivery even longer because I have to baby sit each set. Anybody else or is it just me?
We'll update here when we have more news.
I keep getting a checksum error when trying to upload. It's making this long process of photo delivery even longer because I have to baby sit each set. Anybody else or is it just me?
I haven't had a single upload issue for about 2 years and suddenly over the past few days, it's become a nightmare trying to upload.
In the meantime, export as jpgs and upload with our Simple Uploader, or MacDaddy.
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Just want to help you guys, it does not happen 100% of the time on my end.
Thanks for the great service, we really have the impression that you care, unlike larger companies.
Keep up the good work
Getting the same Bad Album error here. I've tried loading new photos and photos I've successfully loaded previously but to no avail.
I have had the same problem multiple times in the past but was told it was just me and that thousands of others didnt have problems.
I just don't know how I'm going to upload my library at this rate.
I've uploaded thousands / GBs of pics using the LR plugin, and couldn't imagine doing it any other way.
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Sorry It just work for 16 photos, I still have the problem
Here's the error message :
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Uploading via MacDaddy seems to be ok...
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