Texas Wildflower sugesstions
Hello all,
I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I just joined today. I will be in the Kerreville and Johnson City area in Mid April and was hoping to get some suggestions for some great spots for wildflower pics. I am primarily interested in shots that have interesting backgrounds (i.e. an old farm house, a barn, a pasture full of horses, old cars, etc...) Any suggestions?
Thank you
I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I just joined today. I will be in the Kerreville and Johnson City area in Mid April and was hoping to get some suggestions for some great spots for wildflower pics. I am primarily interested in shots that have interesting backgrounds (i.e. an old farm house, a barn, a pasture full of horses, old cars, etc...) Any suggestions?
Thank you
If you browse the Landscapes forum, there have been quite a few wildflower shots as spring hits 'round the country. Many of the threads have the locations in there, or you can always post a comment to ask them where it was.
But for right now I'll move your thread to our Locations! forum, where people know to go to help each other out for location stuff. Good luck and hope you get the flowers you want!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Highway 16, north of Kerrville towards Llano. Try the Willow City Loop off Hwy 16. Not many places to stop on the Willow City Loop but there are some dynamite views.
Highway 87, southeast of San Antonio in the Cuero and Westhoff areas. A bit far from Johnson City but worth it if you have the time.
Interstate 35 south of San Antonio, in the Natalia and Devine areas. Loads of flowers in the median and on both sides of the road, plus fields full of 'em on the farm roads.
I'm hearing that Easter weekend and maybe a little later will be better for north of Johnson City; some places are just starting to bloom.
Here is a good link with current sightings for wildflowers: http://www.lone-star.net/wildflowers/sightings.htm
I have been posting wildflower shots lately. If you see any you'd like to know the locations of, just let me know. I can give you the details and I have GPS locations for some of them.
Happy Hunting!
Lauren Blackwell