"Today's Popular Photos"

So, I have noticed over time that it appears the photos that are shown in the popular photos section of SmugMug, are commented on by pretty much the same group of people. Not only that, but it often seems the case that some photos are given more praise then they might deserve, as if it is a friendship circle giving each other pats on the back.
Any insight on this?:scratch
Any insight on this?:scratch
Personally, I generally like the photos from that group and I love their community, which is focused on the social aspect of photography and improving on a daily basis.
On another note, I see you are a stats guru, so I figured I would inquire about the stats feature in the galleries. We have the ability to see stat breakdown of individual photos, but will there be the ability to see WHO is viewing them in the future, or better yet who is linking to them if you have that feature enabled?
Thanks for the feedback
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
Could you elaborate? Exactly what do you mean by 'cheat' ? I just used IE8 and could only thumb once.
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The users doing a daily photo project heavily dominate the top slots of the popular photos as they are typically the most active commenters. They're just very social and friendly, they aren't gaming the system to dominate the popular photos section. The top slots of the most popular shots in the dailies group often reflects that of the smugmug daily popular photos. So if popularity and interaction is your goal, look into that group, I'm sure they'd welcome you as they do everyone. You also have to remember popularity doesn't always translate to quality and quality in photography is always subject to opinion.
I just wish the SmugMug admins would do a better job of moderating the popular photos section. There's so many raunchy club shots and NSFW (not safe for work) nudity showing up lately my employer has blocked smugmug.
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I've done so on several occasions, only to see the same shots popping up once again a day or two later because the person has deleted and re-uploaded the content. I just feel smugmug should take a more active role in moderation since it's your terms that are being violated and the section where a lot of first time users go to look and see what the site is all about. Giving it a thumbs down is about all I care to spend any time doing since reporting it takes time and often doesn't remedy the situation. If you added a "report this content" type link or button in the popular photos area, that might make it easier.
We do. But we cannot possibly individually monitor every photo that gets uploaded, we have nearly a billion photos on the site right now....
We instantly react when we're directed to photos that are not in compliance with our Terms.
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I'm not asking you to monitor every photo uploaded, that would be ridiculous to expect. Just talking about the Daily Popular Photos here to keep somewhat relevant to the thread. I don't think having someone who's a paid employee peek through those a few times a day to keep it better policed is unrealistic. Especially since it's in one of the most popular destinations on the site for users and prospective users.
I'm not pointing a finger here Andy or criticizing the job you're doing. There's always people who will game the system to ensure the world sees their wife's tatas at the beach. I'm just making suggestions that might make your site and service even better than it already is. No worries. Oh and smugmug's great response times are always noted.
We do this. Thanks! Even still - it's nearly impossible to monitor every photo as it hits /popular without you, your employer, or someone out there in our millions and millions of visitors to see something objectionable before we do.
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Then you are doing all you can, thanks! Was unaware of that as it was previously explained to me this was completely left up to users reporting it. Thanks Andy!
With IE8 you can vote, exit IE, vote again ....
It must be a setting in IE8. I am pretty confident some people do this.
I hadn't tried this in a while. I just voted one of my photos up, then down, then up then down. Latest IE8. Tried the changing privacy settings and a few other things and it still lets me do this.
- Gene
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
I submitted one comment, one time today & repeated as if I'd commented 8 times (that photo's in 1st place as I now write). Did the same with other people's comments.
Also, when I was looking at photos this A.M. (Moscow time) the comment option didn't exist - could only give a thumbs up or down.
Lastly, loading popular photos & my own site, has been sketchy today - very often getting blank thumbnails.