Problem with Replace Video Preview and Uploader

Two issues...
After the last upgrade I started having problems with the video "Replace Preview Image" function. It was always rock solid before the upgrade, then it became iffy at best. Now I can't get it to work at all. I just get that generic "There was a problem replacing. Try again?" message which is not very helpful. My video is 1920x1080 and the replacement image is 1920x1080 per instructions.
The second set of problems is with the uploader. Sun provided a recent Java update and once it was installed I started receiving an error message.
"Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern. Name: Smug Web Uploader"
It asks if I want to block the unsafe components. If I click no it starts the upload process. It also indicates that "This application contains both signed and unsigned code. Contact the application vendor to ensure that it has not been tampered with." Why am I suddenly getting this and is there a way to keep this message from popping up?
Also, with large uploads, the progress indicators (time, percent uploaded) stop updating. When I first encounter this I restarted the upload thinking it had failed. I've since learned to "sit on my hands" and watch the send/receive indicator in my system tray and wait for the uploader screen to change indicting "upload complete".
The gallery link below contains the video in question, the replacement preview image, and a screen shot of the Java error.
Have fun,
After the last upgrade I started having problems with the video "Replace Preview Image" function. It was always rock solid before the upgrade, then it became iffy at best. Now I can't get it to work at all. I just get that generic "There was a problem replacing. Try again?" message which is not very helpful. My video is 1920x1080 and the replacement image is 1920x1080 per instructions.
The second set of problems is with the uploader. Sun provided a recent Java update and once it was installed I started receiving an error message.
"Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern. Name: Smug Web Uploader"
It asks if I want to block the unsafe components. If I click no it starts the upload process. It also indicates that "This application contains both signed and unsigned code. Contact the application vendor to ensure that it has not been tampered with." Why am I suddenly getting this and is there a way to keep this message from popping up?
Also, with large uploads, the progress indicators (time, percent uploaded) stop updating. When I first encounter this I restarted the upload thinking it had failed. I've since learned to "sit on my hands" and watch the send/receive indicator in my system tray and wait for the uploader screen to change indicting "upload complete".
The gallery link below contains the video in question, the replacement preview image, and a screen shot of the Java error.
Have fun,
Okay, I've got an answer of the Java issue. Can someone come up with an answer of the relace preview image problem or at least a work around so I can finish my work?
- be sure the file is EXACTLY the dimensions specified on the replace screen - we tell you the pixel dimensions there
- be sure it's an sRGB colorspace JPG file
If you still have issues, please write our Support Heroes and let us help you directly from the help desk. Be sure to link us to the replacing keyframe (upload it to a junk gallery) and also to the movie in question. Thanks!
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As I stated, I've used this feature many, many times in the past and I am well aware of the size restrictions. However, it's been my experience that the color space does not matter only the size. I've used argb images successfully in the past.
Having said that, my video is 1920x1080 and that's the size of the preview image I'm using.
I made some changes to the "scratchpad" gallery settings I'm currently using for staging and I was finally able to change the preview image on two video slideshows. I'm now trying to understand which change solved the problem. I turned on external links, turned off watermarking, and up'd the display size to original. The last change I made was the one for watermarking.
I'll try uploading another video slideshow and see if the process continues to work. Right now it's a big ???????
The replace video preview image remains an iffy function for me so I gave up on trying to find the right combination to make it reliable. My work around is to make the first slide in my show the preview image so your system will automatically use it.
At some point you just have to say "I give up". I've spent over three weeks trying to work around the pixelization issue associated with video slideshows and SmugMug's conversion process. I can upload the same 1080p file to both SmugMug and You Tube and the SmugMug version will have pixelization just prior to some slide transitions while the You Tube version looks excellent...go figure.
In the end, the process I've developed allows me to upload a Proshow Producer slideshow to SmugMug with little or no pixelization problems.
Here's a link to two of my "reworked" slideshows that were produced for a City's Protected Species Program.
Have fun,
I have found that data rates are a huge factor when someone says that a video looks good on Youtube but does not look good on SmugMug. This is specially true when dealing with the larger sizes. Why? You tube limits their data rate to keep the file sizes small. We actually use 8Mbps for our data rate on HD. If your file is using a low data rate like 1 or 2Mbps for youtube with is what a lot of editors export for and then upload to SmugMug, it can cause quality problems. Also using a variable data rate can cause the same thing.
Let me know if you would like me to check the file for you if you do not know how to look at the data rate.
When dealing with Proshow Producer there are other factors that come in to play such as slide times, transition times, when to use single slides or multiple layers, etc. After three weeks of experimenting, I can pretty well produce a slideshow that will work with SmugMug.
The major issue with SmugMug is not the overall quality of the converted video, it's excellent. The problem is pixelization that randomly shows up just prior to a slide transition with no logical cause. It will typically show up in the early part of the video slideshow while the rest of the show runs great. Even when all the slides have the same slide and transition times...go figure?
In another post, one of your guru's indicated it's due to the conversion and compression process being geared to video not slideshows...I may be wrong, but it seems like once I do my conversion a slideshow file would walk and talk just like a video file.
At any rate, I'm a happy camper now and the process I came up with greatly shortens my production and upload times...and, my wife greatly appreciates the fact that she's not hearing a lot of "nasty" words coming from my office.
Have fun,
The data rate stuff would still apply though it sounds like if it is changing from beginning to end, that it is a variable rate. If you decide to revisit this in the future, please let me know. For now I will let it be.
Phil, I also get the "Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern. Name: Smug Web Uploader".
I replied no and the upload works. Why I'am I getting the message after the java update? You wrote you found out why, but you did not provide explanation.
It was explained in several other posts that showed up after my post. I have to think back, but I believe it had to do with SmugMugs certificate not being up to date. Since clicking "no" is the work-around, I don't imagine SmugMug will be in a big hurry to make it go away. They probably have bigger fish to fry.
Have fun,
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Sorry Andy, I just checked it's not fixed. I still have to click "No".