CS5 or bust

Is anybody here not going to be able to live without CS5? 
I'll resist as long as I can, but as they say, sort of, the mind is unwilling but the photographer in me is weak!

I'll resist as long as I can, but as they say, sort of, the mind is unwilling but the photographer in me is weak!
"Snow. Ice. Slow!" "Half-winter. Half-moon. Half-asleep!"
1. wait for the reviews
2. wait for the inevitable .1 bug fix update
I am a CS5 beta-tester (I assume everyone knows Adobe gave us permission to identify ourselves about a week ago). CS5 has some features that have me hanging close to the tipping point, but I haven't decided yet if I want to make the jump from CS4. Pretty sure I'd make the change if I was using CS3, but CS4 . . . ? Cost v. benefit and all that.
Yes, R, there are many similarities between your situation and mine. I too am butting up against the limits of my machine faced with the ever increasing demands on it. I think your point about emphasis - SW or shooting skills - is very salient for me as well.
Very interesting. And cost v benefit not only in $ but learning effort, time spent on photographs in post and so on, and also artifice v skill, reality and fakeness and those philosophical concerns, the effect on saleability of photos of their being more and more recognisably the products of editor and PS rather than photographer and camera, etc, etc...!
LR3 might be enough to keep one from just jumping on the CS5 bandwagon - at least for a while.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Agreed. It really depends on how much additional work you need to conduct after rendering your raw files in something like LR. IF you decide you want to work with Smart Objects and embed the raw data, then you’d want parity with ACR and the newer Lightroom. For Mac users, the 64bit update to CS5 with plenty of ram may be worth the price of admission alone thanks to the speed increases.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"