Opinions please.

With "DRY" in mind I took these shots yesterday (August 11). I would appreciate some input as to whether these are thought worthy of the latest contest. And I just want to echo the comments of so many when I say that these are fun; makes you constantly assess things in a totally different perspective! I will post EXIF with the eventual challenge entry
Of the three, I think this conveys dry the best. The gas one is humorous, but I don't see dry there without a story.
For this shot, I don't see dry as much as I see thirst or empty. Also, it needs something in PP to make it pop as a photo. Just an assumption, but you're fishing for comments before you put too much time into PP?
As it is, I don't see a strong contender
Just my .02,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Thanks for the comments; that's the kind of thing I am looking for. I'm not sure any are contenders either....it's just that I'm not making any trips to the Gobi desert during the challenge; what was Andy thinking?! The gas photo doesn't really have a story....he was just trying to 'see' what he had left in the tank. Pretty common in Mongolia for simple things like gas gauges and such not to work. And I'm still not comfortable with Photoshop yet; takes me forever to do the simplest things so, yeah, I would have to have a pretty good idea that it was worth working with before sitting down to try to improve on something.
Again, thanks lots.
You're thinking inside the box and very specifically too. So you won't do dry weather or dry earth, but there are lots of other dry things around. Have you ever seen an earthworm when it was dried out. How about some dried fruit/flowers? Powders are dry, maybe something creative there. Bones can be dry and if you need it dried out in a hurry, bleach does wonders. Dry skin, dry hair, a hair dryer, dry chapped lips; there are so many dry things. I'm getting thirsty now, feeling a bit dried out:D.
Hopefully this might stir some creative juices
Push the envelope,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Chris thanks for the encouragement to think 'outside the box'. The reference to the Gobi was supposed to be a joke but those were some good suggestions; I imagine that you would be pretty dry after all that so......go have a beer on me!