DSS 47 - having fun

Not certain if this candidate has a lot of photographic merit, but seemed sort of fun and something different to add to the mix. Definitely a departure from what I usually do camera-wise, but since it is icky and stormy out, it seemed as good as any time to play around. Whaddya think? C&C welcome... and be blunt!
Fear / excitement : New Life, New world

Fear / excitement : New Life, New world

Dan, the image isn't showing for me. Try again?
Thanks for pointing that out. It had showed for me, but since there were zero replies except yours (despite 80+ views), either it did not show for everyone else also or was rather unworthy of comment!
I think it is really fun learning how to do shots like this - to think of the image and then carry it out. So how did you do it? What is the glowing yellow part and how did you make it glow?
Thanks for the reply. And I worried about the execution of my concept... that bright yellow orb is an egg! I was limited in my choice of eggs (only had a couple of those dang brown organic eggs at home, and was not about to buy a bunch as I will be gone for a month ... coming home to rotten eggs is not my thing), so I had to make do. Took one shot of the egg (preferably white) with a bright flashlight backlighting it (the narrower the beam, the better), shot another of a toy duck, brought them into PS6, desaturated and darkened the duck and then deplucked its opacity, trimmed its wings with the eraser tool, and tossed it in with the egg shot.
It is always good to have someone else take a look to see if the concept came across... I guess it didn't that well. Anyways, I reprocessed the egg a little more so it does not look so yellow, and tinkered with the levels a bit more to bring out it's details. Still don't know if it really looks like an egg. And a reshoot is not possible (i.e. breakfast).
Retitled as "Anticipating Entry to a new world"
The link to the original photos are here:
The bunny (I hope it looks like a bunny
Kitsch is always in vogue! Funny ...and Happy choice!