DSS#47 Unofficial Feedback Thread - (Beginning or Ending)

So, here is the official gallery to give your C&C for DSS#47
Gallery Here...
Once more into the fray. This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, let's start feedback on DSS #47!!
This thread is:
It's easy to post thumbnails (with help from our Moderator).
With the image selected in the gallery, copy its URL from your browser, add "-Th.jpg" to the end, delete the jumble of numbers and letters preceding the hashtag (#), change "gallery" to "photos" and that's it.
Change this url
To this (minus the space in the IMG tags)
Happy Feedbacking :scratch<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Gallery Here...
Once more into the fray. This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, let's start feedback on DSS #47!!
This thread is:
- a place to post a list of your top ten favorites. (be heard, and let everyone know what images moved you.)
- a place to post your "the making of my image"
- a place to ask someone "how did they do that?"(for us all to see:D )
It's easy to post thumbnails (with help from our Moderator).
With the image selected in the gallery, copy its URL from your browser, add "-Th.jpg" to the end, delete the jumble of numbers and letters preceding the hashtag (#), change "gallery" to "photos" and that's it.
Change this url
To this (minus the space in the IMG tags)
Happy Feedbacking :scratch<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Brian Friedman
Not to slight any of the entries, which were all OUTSTANDING.
Here are my top five. In no order-- except for image #1.
In my opinion, the best of the best. Outside the box. Well seen and captured. As I noted in a CC thread, for me, the brightness level of the second worker draws me into the frame, then my eye wanders the frame to discover the exhausted chef. It's a fantastic feeling of discovery.
I personally like the lighting and comp on this one. Although not completely obvious, the cleaver composition reveals the two spaces, which my mind deduces as an opening move. I like that it prompted me to think and explore.
Initially I really liked this image, but the original title left me a bit disappointed. But I personally was very surprised and happy to see the re-work of the title. Smartly worded. Another image from outside the box. Very nice!
In addition to ths being an original concept...I think this one is so well shot and developed. Although for me, it's a hair bright on the white of the roll, I personally like the beautiful richness and texture in the darks. There also seems like a touch of USM radius to give it that special quality.
I wasn't crazy about this one at first but it grew on me. Well outside the box.
Again! Nice job to everyone who played. Great stuff!
I will be commenting on ALL of the entries including the 10 I chose over the next week.
Do not let the official results stop you from posting your own favs here and giving your detailed feedback in the gallery.
also loved:
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Here they are:
and the two that I loved as images, but needed the titles and explanations to "get it"
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
If I did not know how to type before making all my comments I certainly do now.
I have just finished completing commenting on all 57 entries in the gallery. Anyone that wishes clarification on anything I have said, please ask it here.
When commenting I do my best to explain both my likes and dislikes as well as give any hints that might make it better in my mind. As always it is just one persons opinion and many others will see or interpret each image totally different. I hope seeing things from my perspective is helpful.
Great job everyone!
Gallery Here
I encourage everyone to try and give feedback verbally on your top ten favs. I know it is a lot of work but it really is a great way to understand your own photography as well as put how you feel about an image into perspective. It helps both you the commenter and the artist.
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I have done this before and it is both instructive and time consuming. And it really helped me choose my top fave when I did it.
What an awesome start to being the moderator. I read each comment in the gallery. Thanks for taking the time to help all of us. I learn from each critique.....but to have such a huge mega-lesson is awesome!
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Hey Deuce! Congrats!
Even when I dont make someones favs, I really appreciate feedback along with the pics, so next round I will try to do this also, I've had writers block for the last six months or so and have been guilty of just giving the bare minimum.... time to shead that!
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
+1. Thanks to everyone that took the time to add comments into the gallery!
1. Quality and creativity of the posts in challenge #47
2. The politeness of the critique
3. The encouragement among the the community
4. The quality of the critique
I look forward to broadening my horizons in further challenges here!
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