Flash suggestions?

I have a D90 and I am slowly picking up pieces of equipment that will be beneficial for several years to come. I am in need of an external flash and would like to know what everybodies c&c's would be on manufacturer vs non-mfg flashes? Also, if I stick with Nikon, is it really worth the extra money to get the 900 over the 800? I will be using the flash for portraits and weddings, on and off camera. Hopefully in a few years, I will be stepping up to a full frame.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks in advance,
You might want to consider Metz flashes. They have great reputation. Very well built.
You could get either dedicated Metz flash for Nikon, or get a non-dedicated one and make your switch to another platform easier.
If you are going to use a flash for weddings, get 2. If you are there and something happens to it you really do need a backup. Get the best you can afford. Don't skimp - especially if you have clients relying on you providing their wedding images!
THe SB800 is a fine flash and you could go for an 800/600 combo with the 600 as a backup.
If you have the cash get the 900, if not go with the 800. I got the 600 because I didn't have any cash at the time, and just needed something to get me by.
Alternatives... Vivitar 285HV <- best non dedicated flash (and most affordable flash can be purchased new for around $80) available IMHO Check out the www.strobist.com blog... start there to learn flash technique.