Now that the iPad is out...

What can I do about my flash slideshow?
Is there an html5 work around yet?
Is there a way to bypass my main page and just go sytraight to my /galleries page for iPad users only?
Is there an html5 work around yet?
Is there a way to bypass my main page and just go sytraight to my /galleries page for iPad users only?
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Pentax K1000 | M28mm F2.8 | M50mm F2 | Takumar Bayonet 135mm F2.5
But, you do raise an interesting idea. What about an automatic redirect to the galleries page when someone hits your homepage from a browser that doesn't support flash. I'll think about that one. It would be a great feature to add to the stretchy slideshow customization too.
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It sure would! Keep us iPad users posted please!
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Is there a plan to re-direct Shiz Slides and Shiz Vidz to non-flash browsers as well?
Is it technically possible and practical?
Or implement RipCode?
Wouldn't the old 'bigwebguy slideshow hack' (circa 2007) work on iPad and iPhone?
I've searched extensively here on dgrin and every thread that showed that code has been deleted (if anyone still has copies of the code please let me know)
Any thoughts or possible replacement options (I'll gladly be a beta tester!)?
Look I don't know jack about code (I'm just a cut and paster) but it seems odd that if "we" had great functioning non-flash slideshow code 3 + years ago why can't "we" have it again??
Maybe somehow use IF statement if mobile run this.
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photos are showing. At least it's running though.
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This sounds very encouraging!
So wouldn't one possible option be to utilize the time/date feature to determine 'available' (non-key) images, create a gallery of said images and we CAN in fact offer slideshows on our homepage via iPhone/iPad (albeit older images)?
Dare I assume the more involved method (way over my head) would require updating the JS version to be capable of utilizing the 'newer' (with key) images?
Either way seems like we're heading in the right direction!?
Any thoughts / suggestions?
Again I'm more than willing to be a beta tester!
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2nd copy would get a key along with a new photo number. Move the
originals, no key, to a show gallery, then use "replace photo" with any new
photo. I think by replacing the photo, the number doesn't change and maybe
no key is added.
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Us "fanboys" can only hope so, and soon. Though I understand SJ's approach to Flash, until the rest of the web gets with the program, it's mildly irritating to say the least.
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Pentax K1000 | M28mm F2.8 | M50mm F2 | Takumar Bayonet 135mm F2.5
Yet, facebook goes html5 for iPad
I'm sorry, but the excuse you are giving is excuse. If you are waiting for IE to support it, are right. But how about those other browsers out there? Why not lead the way instead of following along?
oh wait, here's why:
You are waiting for someone else to do it. Gotcha.
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So...why can't Smugmug switch from Flash to something better and more compatible?
We're going to do something on this, thanks for your patience. In the meantime, enjoy slideshows on our iPad App.
And if you are a power or pro customer, take the 30seconds it takes to install Jfriend's hack -go visit on your iPhone or iPad, it works great.
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I understand that you're not happy about this - but why direct your frustration at another forum participant?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I don't have an iPad yet, but will some day soon!
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What rubbed me the wrong way was his response to people's questions. Kinda flippant. Especially saying that HTML5 has to wait until IE gets caught up.
From his link:
Jfriend's Dgrin name says he's a SmugMug volunteer
Here are the SmugMug People:
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They'll be coming.
Second, I'm a bit confused as to what you agree/disagree with or what you thought I did that was flippant.
I'm only trying to get the facts out on the table. Many people are under the mistaken impression that the existing HTML5 implementation in Safari and Firefox support a new, standard non-flash video format and if a site just starts using this new magical format, then Safari and Firefox video will just work without Flash. Unfortunately (for all of us), this is not yet true. While Safari and Firefox both support a portion of HTML5 and both support a video format, they don't both support the same video format. Firefox will only use an open source video format that isn't encumbered by patents/licensing and Apple doesn't believe that the open source video format is good enough. So, if one wanted to use HTML5 with Safari and Firefox and still allow users of IE and older browsers to all see your video, you'd have to create three versions of video:
- One HTML5 video format for Firefox
- One HTML5 video format for Safari
- One Flash video format for IE and older browsers
Hopefully you can see that this is hardly yet a big step forward. In fact, some would argue it's a step backwards since you used to only have to support one flash format and now you have to support three formats. If Firefox, Safari and HTML5 could at least agree on ONE standard video format, then the situation would start to get more tenable and you could have the one new forward-looking format and the legacy flash format with the legacy flash format dying out over time. But, as it is now, we're not there yet.And, to further complicate matters, Smugmug doesn't only use flash for video. It also uses flash for slideshows, for badges and for clipboard access (in the Share screen) since the browser by itself generally doesn't allow clipboard access. So, to rid the Smugmug viewing experience of flash entirely, they also have to solve these other problems.
I think the technology is generally headed towards HTML5, but the current implementations are still in their infancy with lots of issues to deal with.
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