Guest judges.... put up your hand

I know that a thread was started several times that asked for volunteer guest judges.
I also have a list of people that at one time expressed interest in judging.
The reason I am starting another thread for this is: The list is old and some of the volunteers do not seem to be hanging out with the current group, plus I want to give everyone the opportunity to be included or excluded.
EDIT: It is not a requirement that you have participated in DSS or that you ever will participate.
I said that some of the past volunteers do not seem to be hanging out with the current group. What this means is I only want to make sure that if your not participating now you are still willing to take the time to guest judge.
What you need is the willingness to take the time to give your honest unbiased opinion. The process of critiquing and judging while a small time commitment, is a really good way to learn. The only other requirement is that you can not be entered into the challenge round that you are going to be guest judging.
If your are interested in being a guest judge (even if you have done it before), Please reply to this thread saying that you are interested and if you have ever been a guest judge in the past. Please do not send me a PM.
I need a guest judge for the current challenge #48 and one will be picked from the respondents in the next 24 hours. In the future if you are picked to be a guest judge I will do my best to give you notice before the start of the round you will be asked to judge.
Thanks everyone!
I also have a list of people that at one time expressed interest in judging.
The reason I am starting another thread for this is: The list is old and some of the volunteers do not seem to be hanging out with the current group, plus I want to give everyone the opportunity to be included or excluded.
EDIT: It is not a requirement that you have participated in DSS or that you ever will participate.
I said that some of the past volunteers do not seem to be hanging out with the current group. What this means is I only want to make sure that if your not participating now you are still willing to take the time to guest judge.
What you need is the willingness to take the time to give your honest unbiased opinion. The process of critiquing and judging while a small time commitment, is a really good way to learn. The only other requirement is that you can not be entered into the challenge round that you are going to be guest judging.
If your are interested in being a guest judge (even if you have done it before), Please reply to this thread saying that you are interested and if you have ever been a guest judge in the past. Please do not send me a PM.
I need a guest judge for the current challenge #48 and one will be picked from the respondents in the next 24 hours. In the future if you are picked to be a guest judge I will do my best to give you notice before the start of the round you will be asked to judge.
Thanks everyone!
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Thank you!
If you can see and know what you like when viewing a photograph, meaning you have an opinion. Then you are qualified!
There has been a long running joke that you need to be blind to be a judge but honestly it is all about a personal opinion. As a group we all have a wide gamut of opinions. I want to continue to include everyone in the process not just so called qualified individuals.
That's good to know.
But I am excited about the possibility!!
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No problem Joyce, thanks for continuing to volunteer.
Anyone else want to opt out of this round. speak up now
I am more likely to provide quality feedback than actually enter the contests so if you need me- let me know.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
FYI, I will be traveling when needed for judging the challenge that ends on 5/23 and unavailable for that one.
I intend to play with the current challenge theme, but am also willing to judge it and not enter it.
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"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
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Hand up. I have been too busy to play much so I would be happy to judge a round.
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