Google search brings up individual photo pages

BlueSlateBlueSlate Registered Users Posts: 37 Big grins
edited April 13, 2010 in SmugMug Support
When I do a search for my name (blue slate creative) a lot of the results lead to a page like this:

This not only looks bad, but is also confusing. Sometimes the photo shows up small, or really large like this:

Is there a way to turn off single photo search results? Not that I want to hide my photos, but the single photo page looks strange and confusing. I would rather the search results go to, at the very least, the gallery page where the photo is featured.


  • phototristanphototristan Registered Users Posts: 199 Major grins
    edited April 8, 2010
    BlueSlate wrote:
    When I do a search for my name (blue slate creative) a lot of the results lead to a page like this:

    This not only looks bad, but is also confusing. Sometimes the photo shows up small, or really large like this:

    Is there a way to turn off single photo search results? Not that I want to hide my photos, but the single photo page looks strange and confusing. I would rather the search results go to, at the very least, the gallery page where the photo is featured.

    The only way to turn that off would be to make the image private. Also, have you input the SEO description tag in your Control Panel 'Settings' tab? Doing so can help direct search engines to your homepage.
    Suport Hero
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited April 8, 2010
    The only way to turn that off would be to make the image private. Also, have you input the SEO description tag in your Control Panel 'Settings' tab? Doing so can help direct search engines to your homepage.
    I was unaware that Google generated page inks. The single photo link
    must be in the page somewhere. And why is it there if we're using
    Smugmug style?
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • BlueSlateBlueSlate Registered Users Posts: 37 Big grins
    edited April 12, 2010
    The only way to turn that off would be to make the image private. Also, have you input the SEO description tag in your Control Panel 'Settings' tab? Doing so can help direct search engines to your homepage.

    No, I have not input the SEO description yet. Actually I'm really starting to dislike my entire site. There are some aspects I like, but it could be much better. My css is all over the place as well since when I started this site a year ago I knew nothing about code. May have to start from scratch...
  • BlueSlateBlueSlate Registered Users Posts: 37 Big grins
    edited April 12, 2010
    Allen wrote:
    I was unaware that Google generated page inks. The single photo link
    must be in the page somewhere. And why is it there if we're using
    Smugmug style?

    I agree. I can't find that single page anywhere on my site, either signed in or not. The only way I ever see those single pages are through google searches. Very strange...
  • richpepprichpepp Registered Users Posts: 360 Major grins
    edited April 13, 2010
    BlueSlate wrote:
    I agree. I can't find that single page anywhere on my site, either signed in or not. The only way I ever see those single pages are through google searches. Very strange...

    As far as I know those single links (that end in Small, Large etc.) don't exist on the pages that we see but DO exist on the pages that search bot sees (or at least they appear on my site if you use Google webmaster tools to view a page). My guess is that it gives the search engine a good view of your photo in the different sizes along with appropriate titles, alt text, gallery description etc. which helps it to be indexed.

    I don't know of any way of going straight to your home page rather than what they are shown on the search page as most search engines would want people to go to what they click on rather than where you want to go. So if they click on your home page link then that is where they go, but if they click on one of the sub links they will be taken there instead. This isn't to say that what you want is wrong - it's just not what the search engines want :(

    The only way I can envisage to only have your home page show up is as phototristan said, to make your images private :(

    Good luck

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