Is there any companies that offer a similar service as the Moo business cards? (multiple images) I have been searching with no luck.
There is no alternative to Moo.
What would you do if a potential client said "I really love your work, but you're a bit on the expensive side. Can you please give me the name of someone that can do exactly what you do, but charge me less?"
What would you do if a potential client said "I really love your work, but you're a bit on the expensive side. Can you please give me the name of someone that can do exactly what you do, but charge me less?"
I would say, "You're not just getting 'what I do', you're getting an unforgettable experience with me. Although you may think photography is not worth what I charge, I and all of my clients have found that the value of professional work is worth more than the dollar sign in front of it." and if they don't buy that kindly say, "I would ask the local 1 hour photo shop if they would mind taking a few hours off work to shoot some snaps of your [insert reason for photography]. They might even throw in some free prints."
But, that is off topic...... I'm still looking for that card company... I will find it though.
I love MOO and use both their mini and full-sized cards. The quality is excellent and well worth the extra money. And, their service is phenomenal. I'm in Canada so my orders come from the USA - promptly I might add.
What would you do if a potential client said "I really love your work, but you're a bit on the expensive side. Can you please give me the name of someone that can do exactly what you do, but charge me less?"
I'm not knocking the company at all. I have ordered and was extremely happy with their products. Just looking to see if there is another company that offers a similar service. I think it's called competition.
I'm not knocking the company at all. I have ordered and was extremely happy with their products. Just looking to see if there is another company that offers a similar service. I think it's called competition.
True, and nothing wrong with competition.
I don't know of anyone that does what Moo does. I can spot their cards. When someone hands me one I usually say "Oh! A Moo card!"
I don't know of anyone that does what Moo does. I can spot their cards. When someone hands me one I usually say "Oh! A Moo card!"
I think another company that offers something like what moo offers is millers lab. I might be thinking of rep cards though which have different dimensions than a business card.
What would you do if a potential client said "I really love your work, but you're a bit on the expensive side. Can you please give me the name of someone that can do exactly what you do, but charge me less?"
Isn't a business suppose to try to keep the bottom line down passing the savings onto the customer or possibly the owners pockets? While keeping the quality of the product high.
I have been using Vista Print for a couple of years now...and so do many of my business owner friends......and minister it yourself, use your own graphics...
Art, I think people like moo specifically for the multiple unique images feature. Plus once you feel a moo card in your hand versus a vista print card... you kinda change your mind about what a business card should feel like
I ordered from them and like them very much. I do think they are a bit on the expensive side but the quality is above average from what I have seen.
Just my 2¢
<Insert some profound quote here to try and seem like a deep thinker>
Michael Wachel Photography
There was a company that I just ran into that was similar to Moo... I'll try to find it again for you.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thanks for looking.
There is no alternative to Moo.
What would you do if a potential client said "I really love your work, but you're a bit on the expensive side. Can you please give me the name of someone that can do exactly what you do, but charge me less?"
Neal Jacob
I would say, "You're not just getting 'what I do', you're getting an unforgettable experience with me. Although you may think photography is not worth what I charge, I and all of my clients have found that the value of professional work is worth more than the dollar sign in front of it." and if they don't buy that kindly say, "I would ask the local 1 hour photo shop if they would mind taking a few hours off work to shoot some snaps of your [insert reason for photography]. They might even throw in some free prints."
But, that is off topic...... I'm still looking for that card company... I will find it though.
Yay MOO!!!:ivar
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I'm not knocking the company at all. I have ordered and was extremely happy with their products. Just looking to see if there is another company that offers a similar service. I think it's called competition.
True, and nothing wrong with competition.
I don't know of anyone that does what Moo does. I can spot their cards. When someone hands me one I usually say "Oh! A Moo card!"
Neal Jacob
I think another company that offers something like what moo offers is millers lab. I might be thinking of rep cards though which have different dimensions than a business card.
Isn't a business suppose to try to keep the bottom line down passing the savings onto the customer or possibly the owners pockets?
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I have done it and was very pleased. Top notch all the way. Just shopping around!
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