Sats are not updating
In viewing my stats their seems to be a disconnect between the views on the Stats Total Views Tab and Popularity tab. Also, the views count on the Control Panel/Photos Views tab is not updating.
Example: The Control Panel/Photo Views count has been stuck at 9251. The Stats Total Views count has been at approx. 11800 views for the month. The past two days on the Total Views count shows 1630 views; however, the popularity tab shows 0 views for the past two days.
Site Name: ViperPhotos
Windows XP 64-bit; IE7
Example: The Control Panel/Photo Views count has been stuck at 9251. The Stats Total Views count has been at approx. 11800 views for the month. The past two days on the Total Views count shows 1630 views; however, the popularity tab shows 0 views for the past two days.
Site Name: ViperPhotos
Windows XP 64-bit; IE7
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Stats are not updating.
Stats on the "stats" page seem to be working (there is a number now) but under Popularity/Today the Gallery totals don't match the daily totals. Also, one of my Gallery totals, under the same Popularity/Today, is actually going down, not up.
Ya, still not working. The today totals are all over the place.
The individual Gallery Totals, under Popularity seems to match the total views within a Gallery, though.
So, the Global Totals are severely understated.
Looks like it was fixed a few hours ago. All is good.
I spoke too soon. The sum of the Galleries for Today is WAY higher than on the Popularity page where it is gives you each day's total.
For the Stats, I do see what you are talking about and I have reported it to the programmer. I am not sure why the numbers are not matching. We should be able to get that fixed soon. Sorry for the trouble
More importantly... the stats are still not working correctly for Today/Popular.
Can you send us a link so that we can check your site?
Update-I deleted it thinking it has something to do with the popular pics slideshow. We shall see. It got up to 286. It was ridiculous & still has messed up the stats. The stats are fun to look at, but I am really getting that they are inaccurate. It's too bad.
They are still way messed up.
I just noticed.
On the stats main page it shows 2315 for yesterday and 806 hits today
When I select Popularity/Today it shows 3126 for today which is the sum of today and yesterday.
When I pick a Gallery. the totals for all the images equals yesterday + today hits.
When you drill down to the gallery's individual image hits, the total is also for today + yesterday.
When you pick yesterday's shows total for yesterday + the day before.
hi bohdank, this is brad, the stats developer
i'm taking a look at your stats and i can't seem to reproduce your problem. i looked at the grand total for today (june 2), and then the total in 'popular' for today...they matched
i'm wondering if there might be a timezone issue involved. i've tried to code to this issue correctly, but its possible i've not.
if you continue to see this problem, do you think you could select the url text for the "permalink" for the stats and paste them either in here or mailed directly to me? the permalink contains info on the date range, so i can use that to help debug the issue. maybe a quick note about the time of day when you check would also help.
as always, feel free to email me directly at if you would rather do that
I check anywhere from 8:00am to 2:00am EST... No difference, always shows totals for current + previous day.
Oh, and the new Referral feature is GREAT.