WTB: Zuiko 14-35 F/2.0

If I can purchase a new Zuiko 14-35mm f/2.0 for my Oly E-3 at a couple hundred under the B&H asking price of USD1,780, my checkbook's open and ready. For slightly used, I'd have to see. Perfect target for a legit retailer with inventory dollars buried in an extra boxed unit stacked down below, or little-handled demo molting on your display shelf. Also perfect target for an owner stuck with what to him/her has become an expensive paper weight. The price will be our little secret, no one ever will know from me. The constant f/2.0 is what 4/3 was made for, along with uniquely small/fast longer zooms. I shoot open and wide, the 2.0 is tailor-made!
See my work at http://www.flickr.com/photos/26525400@N04/sets/. Policy is to initially upload 10-20 images from each shoot, then a few from various of the in-process shoots each time I log on, until a shoot is completely uploaded.