yeah...I just uploaded a some pics in a new gallery and now the gallery seems to have disappeared. When I type in the address for the new gallery up in the address takes me to my gallery page. I know it was there and watermarks were happening. I hid the gallery because I wanted to make a package for it. But when I made the package...the gallery could not be found in the list when I tried to make the package to be used only in this new gallery.
Now I am wondering where the this new gallery is?
NitroDesk can't find the gallery I have been trying to upload to.....switched to the tried and ture (the one that auto opens when you clik add photos....also the send to smugmug seems to be dead at least for me....I just downloaded it and mayhave botched something........can't get drag and drop to even respond......
Been up and working since 5:30 am saturday....gotta run sound in 6 hours...........good nite
....also the send to smugmug seems to be dead at least for me....I just downloaded it and mayhave botched something........can't get drag and drop to even respond......
Been up and working since 5:30 am saturday....gotta run sound in 6 hours...........good nite
Get an "unsafe" error from Java when going to the simple drag and drop uploader. Uploader only works when clicking "no" to the question from Java to block the application. I hope this doesn't cause any problems. Have to upload a bunch of pictures from an event.
I have not gott4en any errors........I do get a this software signature has not been clik run
The other uploader....find your file (upto 5) and upload....still isn't uploading least for files are approx 4.5mb jpgs andf it says it uploaded but with errors and the ofcourse the gallery is still empty.............on my to a very old crotcity soundboard...........
I just uploaded this morning with no problems, so I believe smug is up and running.
If you haven't already done this, check your upload log. There may be more specific errors in the log.
Control panel... Stats tab
On the Uploads line, click upload log.
--- Denise
I am also having problems. I have uploaded photos and tried to view other galleries and everything works BUT the pictures themselfs. In other words when I click on the gallery I want to view it comes up as if the pictures are there but none show up.
I am also having problems. I have uploaded photos and tried to view other galleries and everything works BUT the pictures themselfs. In other words when I click on the gallery I want to view it comes up as if the pictures are there but none show up.
Clearing your Smugmug cookies will usually solve this. Also clear the cache.
it seems that the smugmug heros found the gallery although it was in a catagory that I did not put it in. Now all is back to what its supposed to be and working. Kudos to Robin MacAskill!
hOORAY!!! got send to Smug to work loaded a whole 4 photos in a touch over 6 minutes.......not bad for an almost free piece of software......I say almost free cause there is a donate button for those inclined to help with the updates/grades and bug fixes and all or I suppose it is the best way to say thank you to the develpoer....wink
Still get the following message when using the "simple" uploader: (I'm using FireFox 3.6.3)
"Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern"
Name: Smug Web Uploader
The application contains bot signed und unsigned code
Tried it on several computers and all got the same message.
Now I am wondering where the this new gallery is?
Been up and working since 5:30 am saturday....gotta run sound in 6 hours...........good nite &
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The other uploader....find your file (upto 5) and upload....still isn't uploading least for files are approx 4.5mb jpgs andf it says it uploaded but with errors and the ofcourse the gallery is still empty.............on my to a very old crotcity soundboard...........
If you haven't already done this, check your upload log. There may be more specific errors in the log.
Control panel... Stats tab
On the Uploads line, click upload log.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I am also having problems. I have uploaded photos and tried to view other galleries and everything works BUT the pictures themselfs. In other words when I click on the gallery I want to view it comes up as if the pictures are there but none show up.
My Website index | My Blog
"Java has discovered application components that could indicate a security concern"
Name: Smug Web Uploader
The application contains bot signed und unsigned code
Tried it on several computers and all got the same message.
EDIT: there already is a thread about this: &
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