International Sellers - Can people from other countries sell their photos on SmugMug?

Hello everyone, I have a good friend who lives in Ukraine; he's an amazing photographer and he wants to sell his photos on SmugMug. I was wondering if anyone can send me some information to help me give my friend some answers. I would love to know if my friend Roman who lives in Ukraine (Eastern Europe) can sell his images online with SmugMug? Is there a way for him to translate SmugMug to his native language so he can understand how to use it? I really want to help my friend by explaining to him how to sell his photos on SmugMug. I would love to learn more about this topic and I'm looking forward to your replies. What about the taxes? Will United States taxes or tariffs apply from the country of Ukraine? :deal
The closest thing I could suggest is to try Google Translate to understand the site: But I imagine it would be incredibly difficult to use the site if you don't speak English.
As for taxes we do not charge taxes on shipments to Europe. There may be charges by their countries customs though.
Sorry, I wish I had a better answer for you. But there is no way to translate the entire site that I know of.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!