#48- A blustery day and some piggies...

I don't get to enter very often since I am so busy... but I just couldn't resist the idea of doing the Lo-Fi look. I have been having lots of fun playing!

2. I am leaning towards this one for two reasons:
I love her reflection
the story of the umbrella left behind... making the umbrella the subject of the photo works better in my brain. But I like the energy of the other.


These were all shot through my daughter's blue plastic swimming pool for her polly pockets.
C & C + ideas for titles would be very helpful. :lust

2. I am leaning towards this one for two reasons:
I love her reflection
the story of the umbrella left behind... making the umbrella the subject of the photo works better in my brain. But I like the energy of the other.


These were all shot through my daughter's blue plastic swimming pool for her polly pockets.
C & C + ideas for titles would be very helpful. :lust
Possible title.... "I have had enough of this weather!'
ps...good to see you enter Heather!
Yes this round has been very fun.
Have not had this much fun since light painting the barn in DSS26.
Ok well except for the rattlesnake encounter.:help
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun..." Mary Poppins
I love the lack of contrast. Nicely done.