#48 Question for Sean

Hey Sean I got a question about my photo that I dropped last night in the gallery. You can't get any more straight out of the camera than my photo as it does not even have a "Date Modified" :seamus used my sons point & shoot and put the card into the slot, dropped it to my desktop and gave it a name then dropped in the gallery for the challenge. As you will be looking to make sure that the date of the photo taken & the date modified has to be the same, is it ok that I don't have a "Date Modified"?
Thank You,
Numbers ©2010 ACDavis 800x600.jpg
Thank You,
Numbers ©2010 ACDavis 800x600.jpg
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Looking at it in the Gallery I do not see a Date Modified either. I am curious if the camera your using just does not produce a Date Modified Portion in the EXIF data.
I will need to investigate this a bit further. I will PM you with my email and instructions so that I can get some more information before saying yes or no.
P.S. I see questions like this much quicker if you post in the General discussion or current theme thread instead of creating a new one
Thank you so much for taking the time to ask. After investigation of your original file I have determined that the camera used to take the shot does not save the date modified data in the same place as other cameras. The date modified is indeed in the EXIF but SmugMug does not look for it there when creating the EXIF portion of the uploaded photo.
I also did a test to see what would happen if the image was edited like rotating it or doing something to it in Photoshop. In each case after editing and uploading the photo into the gallery a Modified date does show in the EXIF, as a different date.
Because some cameras may not follow a prescribed standard it seems it is very possible we will see more than one example of this. As such, I have decided not to disqualify your entry.
I am adding a link to this thread in the 'rules' section of the current challenge thread as a reference to this update.
A big thank you to Sean for taking the time with my photo and others on this matter. With my normal camera dead in the water and trying to use a point & shoot, well Ugh! Trying to keep playing with the big dawgs on the playground