Did something change today with the "Sand" and/or "Dark Sand" theme?

I just got a couple galleries all arranged yesterday. One of them is here: http://www.winsomeworks.com/Family/Reunions/Hunsberger-Mini-Reunion/8335422_4GyRQ#546254330_peLC3 . I had it set on the Elegant theme "Sand". That theme has always, to my knowledge, had 4 rows of 5 thumbs each... so 20 photos per page. Today when I went to the gallery, it had switched to "Dark Sand", and I noticed there are LOTS of rows of small thumbs instead of the normal configuration. I changed it back to "Sand", but that didn't fix it-- there are still a ton of tiny thumbs per page. Where I had about 12 or 13 pages of photos, I now have 8 pages. I went to a few other galleries and found this is the case with a lot of galleries that are using old themes. The newest themes, or at least the ones I checked, are still configured the way they normally are... with 20 thumbs or so. But the configuration now in place with the old themes looks the way Khaki has always looked... with the tons of tiny thumbs. Does anyone know what's going on, or are you having the same experience? I really don't like the tiny thumbs -- just too hard to see.
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - http://winsomeworks.com ... Handmade Photo Notecards: http://winsomeworks.etsy.com ... Framed/Matted work: http://anna-lisa-yoder.artistwebsites.com/galleries.html ... Scribbles: http://winsomeworks.blogspot.com
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You might notice that if you change the size of your browser window, the gallery will auto-adjust, changing the number/size of the thumbs to fit.
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I just followed your link and it shows as 7 thumbs across on my computer also......
across. Also 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7 150x150 thumbs across. It all depends on your
browser window size.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
Browser zoom.
Browser window size.
Browser toolbars/status bars.
System font or dpi settings.
Changes to header/footer.
System taskbar size.
System font changes.
Site-wide-customization CSS that could change spacing anywhere on the page.
Otherwise, I'm not sure why you're so concerned about this. The Smugmug display reacts to minute changes in browser window size so you don't get to design your gallery for any particular layout on other people's computers. Your viewer's experience will depend upon how they size their browser window, how many toolbars they have, how big a screen they have, some of their system display settings, system font settings, etc... It's different for everyone. If you want bigger images for everyone, make your header smaller.
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So now for the weird part. I just went back to count the thumbs, and all is back to "normal" i.e. how it's always been. 20 thumbs on page. I swear to you I've done nothing. Same browser, same screen, have not done even one bit of tinkering with display. Haven't even added photos to the gallery. All I've done since this morning was download some, edit captions, and do a couple Picnic color edits. I dunno, just pray it stays this way I guess, but it sure seems to me that something internal would have to tell each theme what size thumbs to produce, at the least. Otherwise, why would Khaki always have tiny ones on whatever screen I see it on? Why would the other themes not have tiny thumbs? What do I know?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com