#48 C&C please

hi all,
it took a while but i managed to find my first digital camera. a rather old PowerShot A40... a very fine 2Mega Pixel camera...
these are the best of the bunch i took today. all input is welcome, thanks in advance.
#1 through a shot glass

#2 through a bit of tulle? or something like that.


through the pull down shade
it took a while but i managed to find my first digital camera. a rather old PowerShot A40... a very fine 2Mega Pixel camera...
these are the best of the bunch i took today. all input is welcome, thanks in advance.
#1 through a shot glass

#2 through a bit of tulle? or something like that.


through the pull down shade

- Diana
- Diana
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun..." Mary Poppins
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"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
yeah, it's tilting... i'll see if i have something straighter in the batch from yesterday, and at the same time keep my fingers crossed that some clouds miraculously appear as the sun moves to that side of the building...
- Diana