Image Search - Again...

I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but it seems like things are going in reverse for me. I did all the SEO things suggested, and when I went to a Google Image search for my site ( only 8 thumbnail images came up. Then a week later a couple more, so there was a total of 10 images showing up, but they were all thumbnails from each gallery. But at least I thought things were moving in the right direction.
Yesterday I checked, and there were only 6 images.
I just checked now and it's down to only 3.
What's happening? I just don't know what else I an alter on my site.
Yesterday I checked, and there were only 6 images.
I just checked now and it's down to only 3.
What's happening? I just don't know what else I an alter on my site.
'Morning Jean
Yes, I saw that on your site. It's not fun is it? Google had one of it's occasional updates of pagerank last week (I think its 4 times a year) and it threw everything out for a bit. Our photo site no longer shows a pagerank at all although it doesn't seem to affect anything. We lost a bunch of images as well but they are starting to come back now.
Wish I could be of more help
1. Did you manage to blog/get external links in and out at all? - these still seem to be horribly important
2. Have you entered a good description of your site in "SEO > Homepage Meta Description" on your control panel/settings?
1. I'm signing up for Blogger, but I haven't thought up anything to put there yet.
2. This is what's in my meta description:
"Photography: Birds, Wildlife, Flowers, Insects, and Art, by Jean Chang, a "Wilmington, Massachusetts Photographer". Photos taken at the wetlands around my New England home."
It covers almost everything, I think. Should I add/subtract anything?
Strange that my images on SmugMug are affected, but those on Flickr all still come up.
Thank you, Rich. You're always very helpful, and I appreciate it.
Jean Chang Photography
Almost every one of the images they show are from the SmugMug help pages. I don't see that happening with other SM sites. And to add insult to injury, look whose picture is in the middle of the page! No offense, Andy, but I'd really rather it was mine.
If you go farther down, there are 3 or 4 of my images, but again, just like with Google image search, they only show the teeny thumbnails.
Jean Chang Photography
Sounds great. I've also heard that WordPress works well but I imagine that both will do nicely.
It looks ok to me. AFAIK the meta description from the control panel is only used if there isn't something more suitable available such as the individual gallery description. I had just seen that a lot of the search results for your site had the generic smugmug description in but I think they had been indexed from before you had made the change.
More info on how to write your description here.
. No, that is strange and I've seen similar things with PicasaWeb. I don't get it. I hope you are linking from your Flickr images to the relevant pages on your Smugmug site
The good news is that your site really is being indexed, just that the images aren't making it into the image search part for some reason. 'Carolina Wren Branch Looking Down' picks you out easily but 'Carolina Wren Branch' won't as there are just too many other sites with those keywords available so you aren't considered as interesting as the other sites. Maybe that's why the blog thing works. Why not try linking out to sites specific to the Carolina wren to improve the relevance of that page a bit? I don't know if that particular idea will work but you get the general idea - make the content of your site more compelling and interesting in a textual way as search engines have no idea if your pictures are great or not.
Good luck and stick with it
We're on the same journey - I saw that as well
Oops, just remembered as well. You should change your signature here (and anywhere else) so that instead of 'Jean Chang' and '' it is a single link, something like Jean Chang wildlife photography. This not only tells search engines that your site exists but gives them a little bit more info. about what you site is about and every little helps
See HOW TO match your blog to your smug site (blogger-specific).
If you don't want to customize the blog right now, at least take a look at Adding photos to your blog.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Jean Chang Photography
Is that true just for SmugMug sites? I know that for our site (site : we get some help pages too. Borealphoto does well but a lot of his images are from his blog
...and Denise's post - awesome. Wish I could be that concise
edit: I see you've changed you sig but the upper of the two links doesn't work as it links to ''. The Jean Chang Photography link is correct
That's strange about my link. I didn't do anything to change that one. I just "re-entered" it, so I hope it will now work correctly.
Thanks again for your help.
Jean Chang Photography
Thanks so much for such a helpful post! Okay, I threw together a very fast blog here:
Am I on the right track?
Thanks again,
Jean Chang Photography
edit: You're almost there. You are pulling in the correct image in but the link is to a different photo (the robin). I think you need you use the same URL for both img and href
edit: Done. And for the final last squidgen of love from Google (apparently), move the picture up above between the text 'It's springtime, and the warblers...' and the title. Again in another google vid they said that they prefer it that if someone clicks through in a search that they can see the image that they clicked on immediately without having to scroll down at all. Right now what you have is ok on most screens but not on slightly smaller ones (I'm Scottish and every penny counts