What is happening to my custom website?
OMG, what's happening?!?
A ton of things that should not be showing up are showing up on all my pages.
A ton of my custom stuff are lost. All my branding is gone.
My clients can't be seeing this! OMG!
My image and branding is compromised!
If Smugmug is doing site maintenance, I'd rather a general maintenance notice be shown rather than a change of my company web page design. Please do NOT change the design.
For example: This is a calendar page but it now has "This gallery has no photos to display yet. Let's hope it gets good ones soon!" How can clients be seeing this?! This is very unprofessional!
Gosh! This is terrible! I'm really freaking out, disappointed, and upset!
Please don't tell me to be cool. It won't get me jobs and I'll likely get more upset.
How do I hide my entire website? I don't want anyone seeing it right now.
Please have some consideration for your professional users, where every little thing counts in the image industry.
At least send an email to your pro account users (pros shouldn't need and do not have the time to check Dgrin everyday) so they will have the heads-up and not take clients to their site.
In fact there should now be the option for each website administrator to shutdown their own individual website pages, issue an 'Under maintenance notice', while the website is under going design changes. And when all is well, and tested, then be able to publish it for public viewing. Please seriously consider having such a feature.
A ton of things that should not be showing up are showing up on all my pages.
A ton of my custom stuff are lost. All my branding is gone.
My clients can't be seeing this! OMG!
My image and branding is compromised!
If Smugmug is doing site maintenance, I'd rather a general maintenance notice be shown rather than a change of my company web page design. Please do NOT change the design.
For example: This is a calendar page but it now has "This gallery has no photos to display yet. Let's hope it gets good ones soon!" How can clients be seeing this?! This is very unprofessional!
Gosh! This is terrible! I'm really freaking out, disappointed, and upset!
Please don't tell me to be cool. It won't get me jobs and I'll likely get more upset.
How do I hide my entire website? I don't want anyone seeing it right now.
Please have some consideration for your professional users, where every little thing counts in the image industry.
At least send an email to your pro account users (pros shouldn't need and do not have the time to check Dgrin everyday) so they will have the heads-up and not take clients to their site.
In fact there should now be the option for each website administrator to shutdown their own individual website pages, issue an 'Under maintenance notice', while the website is under going design changes. And when all is well, and tested, then be able to publish it for public viewing. Please seriously consider having such a feature.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Could you please comment on the option for each website administrator to shutdown their own individual website pages, issue an 'Under maintenance notice', while the website is under going design changes? And when it is all tested then be able to publish it for public viewing. Please seriously consider having such a feature.
Thanks for posting such a great, detailed feature request. If you don't mind, we'd love it if you would put your feature requests here: http://smugmug.uservoice.com
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OK, I'll do that. Thanks Andy I didn't know there was such a place.
You know I love you guys ....
On that note, could you see this page of mind ... the fix wasn't total ... it left something ... the text is gone but now there's a window at the bottom of the calendar ... it wasn't there before - http://www.mafotografix.com/gallery/5701048_oLVJf
.notLoggedIn .nophotos {display: none;}
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Thanks again!
That's weird, it didn't use to be there before. I have a screen print of it. Hmm .... maybe that last code which Allen gave me made it show up. Anyways, I'll go put this new CSS code in. Thanks.
P/S: I did what you suggested about using the ideas forum.
I think that's a neat idea to have.
Most visitors would not know my site was no worse than any other hosted by SmugMug. They would just see mine and be turned off, big time.
It would be great if I was in a position to take my site off-line with an appropriate message displayed, and then restore business-as-usual when I was satisfied all was well. Will your proposed suggestion include this?
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I would only use that as the last resort.
I was sharing with Allen who had the same idea as you.
I said ... but what if I want only my home page to keep running? Is it possible to shut all others except the home page (its a flash image demo right now but I'm working on a flash that will also include Bio, Contact info and Calendar in the home page)? This is so that my branding is kept continuous. Clients will not think that I closed shop, packed up and left town.
My notice will be more like: "Some galleries are temporally unavailable ....".
I have clients in Tokyo and Singapore so I have to be sensitive to all business cultures and time zones. That is why Smugmug's maintenance hours are actually the time when my clients are most active due to the time differences.