
Dome,Knoya, Tikishla 08/09/05-08/11/05

PrezwoodzPrezwoodz Registered Users Posts: 1,147 Major grins
edited August 22, 2005 in Landscapes
My friend Shasta had been waiting for a long time to get in her first hike and we finally were able to get outside. The weather had been great for the last few days and the weather reports said there would be only clear skies. She arrived at my house in the morning and we packed and headed for Stuckagain Heights. We left the trailhead by 2pm and took our time. This was going to be Shasta's first peak. The weather was incredibly hot and the Watermelon berries were awesome. There were tons of berries all over the place and we took our sweet time in eating them. We made it to where we were going to camp at the base of Knoya at 7pm. We set up camp and got out the cans of clam chowder we had brought to eat. Deciding to do the peaks the next day we lounged around camp until around 10 and then watched a cloudless sunset. After crawling into the tent I needed to use the rest room and left the tent to an awesome sight. The lights of the city were astonishingly clear and the aurora was out. There were also constant shooting starts thanks to the beginning of the meteor shower. After watching the spectacle for a few good hours we rested for tomorrows hike.

The next day brought clear skies and hot weather. My thermometer read 80 degrees. We left camp early and hiked up to Knoya. We were hoping to find some stream coming off of a snow patch but were not having any luck. There had been no water since the stream a few hundred yards from the trailhead. We made it up to Knoya in a bit over and hour and stayed for a few minutes having a stare down with Tikishla. For some reason every time I have seen Tikishla it appeared really menacing to me. I could not even imagine how it looked to Shasta! I mentioned that if she did not feel good about it we did not have to go but she all she said was “We need to do Tikishla!" and off we headed.

We walked the ridge for a while; the ridge is pretty easy going and is at a slight downhill. We finally came upon a snow patch but it was not producing even a trickle of water. We packed our water containers with snow so that it would melt on the hike and we proceeded to the ridge. The scree path was not going well and we decided just to ascend the main ridge and that worked much better. We finally summited Tikishla after about 4 or 5 hours of hiking. A leisure trip indeed!

We stayed for a good while on the summit enjoying the super hot temps which now read 88.3 degrees on my thermometer, naming all the peaks in the eagle river area and around the summit. The path to Taniana looked quite menacing. After some summit pictures we headed back down towards the ridge to Knoya. After rounding the summit of Knoya we saw a guy who was hiking up decked out in jeans and what looked like a sweater, Yikes! He was headed up to Knoya and had left his two friends who ran out of steam half way up the peak, kudos to him for hiking in such hot weather with such crazy clothes.

We made it back to camp after 8 and half hours and rested the feet after a successful hike. The next morning brought another perfect day of weather. Through the whole trip we had counted only about 3 clouds other than the fog that appeared for a morning than disappeared soon after. We hiked back down the dome now completely out of water and when we finally happened on the stream near the trailhead we drank as much water as we could and dunked our heads. The trip was a huge success and although the peak itself is not normally a 3 day peak it was great just to get out and lounge about after pushing it for so many trips lately!

Coming over the Dome


On the dome


The end of the day watching the alpenglow and Shasta sports an AMF shirt.


Shasta sports a cupid stance.


Her first peak. Shasta stands atop Knoya.


Temptation peak


The ridge back to Knoya from Tikishla


AMF shirt doubles as a bandana


Signing the Register on Tikishla


Looking into the Ewe valley


Cantata,Yukla,Concerto and lots others.


Rumble and others.


Thanks to my sister for the use of her camera.


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    marlofmarlof Registered Users Posts: 1,833 Major grins
    edited August 22, 2005
    I can't believe I missed this before. A great story, with nice pictures to boot. Thank your sister that she let you use her camera from me as well.
    enjoy being here while getting there
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    PossumCornerPossumCorner Registered Users Posts: 290 Major grins
    edited August 22, 2005
    Sisters camera
    marlof wrote:
    I can't believe I missed this before. A great story, with nice pictures to boot. Thank your sister that she let you use her camera from me as well.
    Thanks Marlof I had missed this too.

    Prez I wouldn't lend my brother my camera on a trip like that much as I love him. That Temptation Peak is scary - I hope it doesn't mean what I'm afraid it means. (Oops. Sorry mate). (Only kidding).
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