Suggestion for renaming Digital Download size options
Instead of;
Low-Res 1Mpix
Hi-Res 4Mpix
…how about referring to them as sizes with some continuity in the small to large decision process, like in;
Small (1 MP)
Medium (4 MP)
Large (original)
Not that I sell many downloads, but when I do people to who are putting together flyers, pamphlets and sales brochures (not photography savvy, usually sales people), they seem to get confused and think that low-res refers to a lower quality image, like in more compression, like a 1M file, because the 1Mpix is also an unusual way of noting 1MP, and they’re bad at reading comprehension.
They think that Hi-Res is the straight dope, and it’s a full size hi resolution at 4M size.
They’re not sure of the original but think that’s for people who know post processing or something they don’t want to mess with.
So what winds up happening is they buy the Hi-Res 4Mpix and then email me and tell me that the file is smaller then they thought, and I wind up emailing them an original sized JPG and a sorry for the confusion.
So I disabled the smaller sizes to avoid the confusion, all they see is the Original to buy and download. But this leaves me out of the market for people who are making a tourist website and need to buy a small download to use as a thumbnail or a small picture on the webpage.
Thanks, Ed
Low-Res 1Mpix
Hi-Res 4Mpix
…how about referring to them as sizes with some continuity in the small to large decision process, like in;
Small (1 MP)
Medium (4 MP)
Large (original)
Not that I sell many downloads, but when I do people to who are putting together flyers, pamphlets and sales brochures (not photography savvy, usually sales people), they seem to get confused and think that low-res refers to a lower quality image, like in more compression, like a 1M file, because the 1Mpix is also an unusual way of noting 1MP, and they’re bad at reading comprehension.
They think that Hi-Res is the straight dope, and it’s a full size hi resolution at 4M size.
They’re not sure of the original but think that’s for people who know post processing or something they don’t want to mess with.
So what winds up happening is they buy the Hi-Res 4Mpix and then email me and tell me that the file is smaller then they thought, and I wind up emailing them an original sized JPG and a sorry for the confusion.
So I disabled the smaller sizes to avoid the confusion, all they see is the Original to buy and download. But this leaves me out of the market for people who are making a tourist website and need to buy a small download to use as a thumbnail or a small picture on the webpage.
Thanks, Ed