Rebel XT woes...
So I have my new XT in hand (thanks Patch), and I was all excited to post some photos from it... Instead I'm posting this:
I can't open the RAW files!!! I clicked on my "update" in PSCS and it sent me to their newest camera raw update, but it was marked for "CS2". I figured I'd try it. It only half works, file browser will now read the exif, but it still won't open - the plugin isn't supported.
Are they serious? I have to upgrade to CS2 in order to use the RAW files from my XT?!?
*I tried a search, but since I can't use "raw" or "XT" I came up with hundreds of threads with "rebel" in them.
Help? :uhoh
I can't open the RAW files!!! I clicked on my "update" in PSCS and it sent me to their newest camera raw update, but it was marked for "CS2". I figured I'd try it. It only half works, file browser will now read the exif, but it still won't open - the plugin isn't supported.
Are they serious? I have to upgrade to CS2 in order to use the RAW files from my XT?!?
*I tried a search, but since I can't use "raw" or "XT" I came up with hundreds of threads with "rebel" in them.
Help? :uhoh
Since 2004...
I found your answer for you.
Turns out, you can just use google to search for stuff on dgrin (since the dgrin search is kinda weak). I found this for you:
And the answer is bad news, as you suspected.
Well that just stinks, now doesn't it?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
would return everything with jamesjweg in it on
the bastidges! so, what are you gonna do? i'd blame patch, if i were you.
burn him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'd get over to Pixmatec's site and get RawShooter Essentials for free. It's a much better raw converter than Adobe and your XT is on the list of supported cameras.
Hey Erik - Did Canon not include a RAW viewer and converter software with the camera??? Digital Photo Pro or something??
When I go to B&H here and click on "includes"
I find a CD-ROM listed with Digital Photo Pro included with the camera. Or did you buy yours in a back alley somewhere??
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
burn him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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BUT, I might as well use it as a coaster...
I don't think Canon likes MacOS very much either, because the installer (yeah, that was the first clue, it needs an installer) won't finish running so I can't get their digital-pro-whatever software to run!!!
You wouldn't lose any image quality by doing this and would be able to use Adobes Camera RAW. The DNG files retain all EXIF information as well.
I have started doing this routinely with all my RAW images. I have even started deleting the CRW images and only keeping the DNG files. (Hopefully, this isn't a mistake).
Some more thoughts:
Good luck,
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Good luck
Proprietary formats cause nothing but trouble.
DNG... DNG... DNG!
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I use the DRebel Canon software on MacOS. I think their pano merger is pretty good. It is an obvious port though with the way it installs and launches. Are you running Tiger..? Maybe they don't support that yet.
Kind of a crappy place to be though, if your OS is too new for manufacturer support, but your version of PS is too old for Adobe support. I'd blame (burn?) Adobe for only supporting the new, new version. I mean, how much work do you think they really need to do to support CS and CS2..?
[/Whispers in ear]
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Adobe is willing to throw DNG into the public domain. The standard is already open. What needs to happen now is either in-camera support for a converter, or a vendor-supplied converter. (i.e. Canon would bundle a 350XT to DNG converter, for example).
When that happens, all your digital photo viewers, all your editing software, all your asset management, etc, they all work and never need updating for the newest camera gear. When I buy a new DVD player, I don't have to worry if it works with my existing television.
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The Canon Rebel xt was a prime candidate for my uses, until this surfaced for me.
Supposedly, the Digital Photo Pro software that ships with the XT is actually pretty decent. However, I can't get it to install and run correctly on MacOS Tiger. PF said it, my OS is too new for my new camera, but my version of PS is too old. Just silly!
That being said, the XT is a super neat little camera. I'm liking it.
I'm sorry to keep harping on this but: You can take Canons propriety RAW images, convert them to the DNG RAW format and then use the DNG RAW images in Photoshops Camera RAW.
I don't know about Mac's but on the PC you can use Adobes FREE RAW Converter to convert the images directly from your CF Card and then start working on them right away.
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Isn't that a little weird? Damn you Adobe!!!
Arrrrrgh mateys, now I don't feel so bad puttin on me pirate patch and going out on the hunt for some torrent files...
I think the reason might be to push more people into using DNG. If they're going to keep the free DNG converters up to date and all the software that's already out there is compatible with DNG, then they can almost drop the direct RAW converters and make everyone go through DNG. Maybe that's the long term plan...
Harping can be good if the message is good. I went to your linky and it sounds like the DNG converter is a good way to go with the Rebel xt. I agree that either Adobe or CAnon is a stinker for making this more difficult, though.
I have been using Adobe Elements 3 to process JPEG images from my point & shoot, but I am enrolled in a Photoshop class for this fall. I want to start recording images in RAW format and the Rebel xt is in my "student" price range. In other words I have quite a bit to learn.
According to your link, the DNG converter will load onto a Mac, but it didn't mention anything about the Tiger OS. Thankfully, I was raised on the PC format.
Seems like the DNG converter adds another processing step, but may not be a big deal. Rohirrim, you seem knowledgeable about this, could you further explain your last statements about making conversion right from the CF card?
If you are using a single hard drive, I suppose one would just need to create a DNG directory for the converted RAW files on the PC hard drive...verdad?
The DNG converter is on my list for things to try this evening. The reasoning is good, I like to support a more widespread format, so I'll go with the extra step and do this.
Canon is really the culprit in the Rebel XT's case since they have opted not to support DNG.
I don't know if this is an intended use for the DNG converter, but it works for me on my PC with the Canon 20D.
- Plug CF card in Card Reader (should work with camera as well)
- Open the DNG Converter. The first time you run the converter you will have to choose the card as the source.
- Choose a destination for the conversion. You can either keep the destination the same (ie My Pictures\New DNG's) or make a new directory by using the Converter.
- Select Convert. This will convert your cameras RAW images to the DNG RAW image format.
- Open ACR or your RAW reader of choice (as long as it supports DNG)
- Enhance Images etc.
- Put CF Card back in camera and format.
- Take more pictures
:, start back to step #1
This does not seem to take any longer to download the images from the card, but I havent timed it. All of your EXIF information will be saved.Again I don't know if this will work on all Cameras/Cards/OS's and I don't know if there is any risk in losing images from the card, but I haven't had any problems yet.
I hope this makes sense. If you need more info I can take some screen shots and post those.
Regards and good luck,
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Now if only I could get Patch's name off the owner field, I'd be a happy camper! I can't get the camera to connect to the computer with Canon's Camera Connect software, so I can't get in and edit that EXIF field. It only shows up on RAW files, but its there. So if you're viewing the exif on my smugmug photos anytime soon, they really are mine and not Patch's!!!