High & Dry
I took these on Pensacola beach just after Hurricane Danny. Too early for the theme but I just thought I would share it and ask for comments.
Edited this in Photoshop and lost the EXIF but I just learned about the "Save As" Tnx

Edited this in Photoshop and lost the EXIF but I just learned about the "Save As" Tnx


The question is whether winning a challenge is ever worth the hassle and distruction of a hurricane. And both are biggies, having lost a lot to a hurricane in 1989, I know. But the photographer in me........
A close miss, one that I could drive to???? No, slap me down!
No.2 is a great shot. Would have been perfect for the challenge. i like the composition and that sky looks great.
It's exactly the theme that I was going to go for, headed down to the coast the other day but couldn't find anything of interest and it was far too busy.
Very challenge worthy!
#1 is the most interesting and seems to me to convey dryness the best...however, #2 is also dry (just not as dry as#1), BUT, the deep blue sky in #2 is Awesome!
*(as he goes back for a last look
*(he returns!)
Yes!..I have to go with photo # ONE...the dryer of the two photos
...if you can tweak photo #1 to get Photo #2's sky...you have got yourself a wiener!
note: please take the above critique with a Big grain of salt, for I am photography greenhorn!