>>> Discussion: kids portraits
Next topic: Kids portraits! Let's stay with (young) kids (not babies, seniors, etc.) for now. We'll get to those. Let's focus on posed shots and all non-technical stuff (no processing/techniques, etc):
So, what is important when shooting kids? Poses? good locations? props (for in or out of the studio)? what about clothes? How do you deal with the kids? how do you deal with the parents? What if you have more than one? Got some examples to illustrate your ideas? ... and ... and ... :ear
If you have any topics/questions that you would like discussed, please let me know :thumb
So, what is important when shooting kids? Poses? good locations? props (for in or out of the studio)? what about clothes? How do you deal with the kids? how do you deal with the parents? What if you have more than one? Got some examples to illustrate your ideas? ... and ... and ... :ear
If you have any topics/questions that you would like discussed, please let me know :thumb
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
I had a problem with a girl once who kept insisting on doing her own poses, which, of course, were pretty awful
The other girl, Taylor, was great and knew how to really give it to the camera... it was bordering on unnerving how good she was in front of the camera! Both girls were about 6.
For the first one, we spent time on the playground and in a park, and for the other we were mostly in a small park area that abutted an empty shop. I did find that they were more sensitive to sunlight than I had realized, so there were some things that we were just unable to do because it was too bright for them.
These are a couple of shots that worked with the Taylor. They were processed before my monitor was calibrated, so just a warning
Taylor 1
Taylor 2
Here are a couple shots of The Mighty Quinn... he was two and totally uninterested in me and the camera, but I think we ended up with a couple of nice shots anyway. The sandbox was good, but then it was hard to get him away from it later. We tried bubbles, but that was only partially successful
For this one, he was looking up at me and my reflector was being used as a diffuser right over my head so that it wouldn't be too bright for him... but it still kinda was. I like the concept of the shot, but I will need to try it a few more times before I learn all the tricks to get it right.
Quinn 1
He was just so happy to be in the sandbox and minding his own business
Quinn 2
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
This 4 year old was a wild man! Notice the sweat from his running all around on a play set! I got some decent candids there, but Mom really wanted a portrait. After he ran around, I let him climb up on my posing stool. Here he is proudly on top!
I've also had some luck with a "Simon says" kind of game for posing. Here I showed her a pose from a book and asked her to try and copy it for me.
So - I live on a farm and work from home. We took the kids outside and voilà - we ended up with a shot that Mommy loves - and has an enlargement hanging in her living room now. Sometimes candid is better.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
In my first outing including a small child as part of a family group, we really did OK. At one point, we let the child play to burn off a little energy and I took out the long lens and got some nice pictures of her playing around and rough housing with her grampa. The family selected both of these in their final proofs.
The final result was OK.
I was out this spring to shoot seven grandchildren as a gift for the grandmother's XX birthday. The kids are cousins, live in different cities, and were together for a short time. Their ages ranged from 3 months to 14 years. The posing is patently not creative. The main advantage to this set up was that I could put the camera on a tripod and shot multiple shots while the parents stood just out of the frame and helped get their attention. By have the camera on a tripod, I was able to watch the group and I had consistent enough positioning that I was able to clone the heads from four different pictures to create this composite. The parents were pleased that anything good could come from the chaos.
Thanks to all of you in advance for the tips, comments, and samples you will share in this thread.
My 2 year old nephew hands you his mom's camera and says "Say "cheese" with you?" and turns it back around after the picture to see if he likes it. One of the cutest things - EVER.
Alternate between silly faces and serious faces. I helped my cousin out on a shoot of a family at the zoo (which I don't recommend unless your zoo looks good, they were WAY more intrigued with the animals than with us) and one of the little boys was VERY strong willed, he'd only cooperate if he gave me silly faces. Daddy wasn't being very patient with him, which didn't help the situation either. Some of the best shots were of him mid-laugh, just being a boy.
My son (who's VERY used to a camera in his face) will automatically smile if I even point the camera in his direction, whether it's on or not (right, Mr. Jeff?
Of course when you DO get one to behave, you luck up and get this:
There's always my cousin's daughter playing with Mommy's sunglasses:
Just understand that they have the attention span of a pencil, so anything that's not totally intriguing isn't going to keep them entertained.
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What you see depends on what you're looking for.
You really do have to just be one of those people that has a way with kids. One thing that tends to work for me is to really include the kids in the process -- show them the equipment and what it does. Show them their reflection in the lens (you can get some great stuff with them staring right into the camera).
Also have a lot of luck when the kids start to check out and give me the super-bad kid smile is to quickly challenge them with 'okay, don't smile'. Usually startles them right away and you have about 5-10 seconds of an interesting face as they try to figure out why you just asked them do that (no one every tells them not to smile for the camera). Then when they realize you're just playing around you can usually get a pretty good, natural laugh or smile out of them (when they're relieved). Definitely won't work on all kids though (but I do try it on most with some surprising results).
best examples I could find ina hurry:
Had just used the 'don't smile' on her:
Also try to use as much natural light as possible -- just eliminates one major distraction and potential risk.
I like to have a "kid wrangler" with me - someone to corral and humor them. Having the parents there to entertain and make faces for smaller children is very helpful. Props are great. It gives the kid something to entertain themselves and adds interest. I try not to go over the top with them though.
This one yr old just got a new pair of sunglasses at her birthday party.
It took a dendelion to get this one to smile.
Bubbles are good for a couple of giggles.
The stool worked better as a prop for this one than as a seat...lol.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
I have been shooting the kids in my family for some time as they range in age from 1yr to ten. What I try and do is engage in conversation with them and act silly to catch their attention. It's a bit of a challenge but well worth the effort if you manage to get some good shots.
The other thing I like to do that works well is use a long lens and try and become invisible as they are playing at the park, sometimes I get great natural looking portraits.
Shot with 18-200VR and D80 during some summer playtime, she turned around and I snapped a shot:
Also do something stupid. I have some rubber worms that I will pretend to eat and the kids expressions are just priceless. I also have several magic tricks that gets their attention.
If your bold put a stuffed pet on an elastic band. Have one end in your hand and the other wrapped around the pet and fling it at the child. Tell him to catch it and it will snap back and you will get some great expressions but be careful this isn't for all kids.
Sing songs that are out of season. Christmas tunes work great in July.