noise reduction software...suggestions?
I'm looking for a good, yet reasonably price noise reduction software and/or plug-in. I've had some dark churches recently for weddings and had to use high ISO, and sometimes I just could'nt nail the exposure perfect or the shutter was just too slow. any opinions would be great, I've heard of noise ninja before, but thats it.
One other thing to consider: the forthcoming upgrade to ACR in CS5 and LR3 is said to have improved noise reduction features. If you are planning on acquiring either one of these, you might want to wait to see whether it's good enough for your needs.
Edit: Colourbox beat me to the punch. Again.
hmmm...I'll have to check out the trial of that....i absolutely LOVE portraiture from Imagenomic...Hopefully this is just as you say batch processing, does that mean I could easily apply the application to say, all the pictures taken at a ceremony?....simliar to the sync feature in lightroom?
I use lightroom 2.0, and photoshop CS3.....CS5 is long off as a upgrade for me, but I am hoping to upgrade my lightroom soon....maybe I would be better off....I use the noise reduction in lightroom now, but it always seems to make it a little too soft
You might try the Lightroom 3 public beta and see what you think of the noise reduction vs. softening of that new engine. I was a beta tester for CS5 (which has the same noise reduction engine a LR3). CS5/LR3 do a good job of reducing noise without serious damage to detail, but they are still applying noise reduction globally. I prefer the selective/targeted approach of some other programs. We all know that not all parts of all images have the same degree of noisiness, so why would we want to soften parts of the image needlessly?
It really is fantastic..