Congratulations ghinson for the DSS #48 (Lo-Fi digital [SOOC]) Winning Photo!

Super interpretations everyone! I am pleased to see several of you created something very close to what I had in mind when creating the challenge. Even more of you pushed things further and created things I could not even begin to imagine! Absolutely amazing!
Your Lo-Fi Interpretors Velvet-Art and slpollett, agreed on three images, giving you 17 finalists to choose from. Congratulations to all of you! :clap
The poll will remain open for 72 hours, and any previously registered member of DGrin may vote.
whiterice - the outsider

JAG - Disturbance In This Realm

simpsonbrothers - wonder

ghinson - Apple

WhatSheSaw - Shell Game

ilbcnu - reaching for radiance

michswiss - Girl with umbrella

Kidzmom - "Sundown: The hour of descent for our shining star"

Angela Davis - Numbers

silversx80 - Bella's Blooms

Eclipsed - Field of Vision

ic4u - Ordinary Miracle

kdotaylor - A long shelf life

mr peas - "Smug Seeing Stars" - twilight over concrete

Beachbill - Dam Spirit

jwear - Love set match ,blooms

Vote Vote Vote!
Your Lo-Fi Interpretors Velvet-Art and slpollett, agreed on three images, giving you 17 finalists to choose from. Congratulations to all of you! :clap
The poll will remain open for 72 hours, and any previously registered member of DGrin may vote.

whiterice - the outsider

JAG - Disturbance In This Realm

simpsonbrothers - wonder

ghinson - Apple

WhatSheSaw - Shell Game

ilbcnu - reaching for radiance

michswiss - Girl with umbrella

Kidzmom - "Sundown: The hour of descent for our shining star"

Angela Davis - Numbers

silversx80 - Bella's Blooms

Eclipsed - Field of Vision

ic4u - Ordinary Miracle

kdotaylor - A long shelf life

mr peas - "Smug Seeing Stars" - twilight over concrete

Beachbill - Dam Spirit

jwear - Love set match ,blooms

Vote Vote Vote!
Vote for the DSS #48 (Lo-Fi digital [SOOC]) Winning Photo 104 votes
whiterice - the outsider
6 votes
JAG - Disturbance In This Realm
15 votes
simpsonbrothers - wonder
3 votes
ghinson - Apple
15 votes
WhatSheSaw - Shell Game
2 votes
ilbcnu - reaching for radiance
1 vote
michswiss - Girl with umbrella
7 votes
Kidzmom - "Sundown: The hour of descent for our shining star"
5 votes
Angela Davis - Numbers
13 votes
silversx80 - Bella's Blooms
2 votes
Eclipsed - Field of Vision
3 votes
ic4u - Ordinary Miracle
6 votes
kdotaylor - A long shelf life
10 votes
mr peas - "Smug Seeing Stars"
3 votes - twilight over concrete
5 votes
Beachbill - Dam Spirit
3 votes
jwear - Love set match ,blooms
5 votes
Congratulations to all the finalists!
What a fun round and what original entries. I definately wasn't thinking outside the box, and you guys were, I'm almost ashamed. Can we have a do over? I'm definately inspired now.
This is going to be a tough voting round.
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I am pleased that the judges included mine this round and (as usual) surprised at some of the omissions. Wonderful entries - congrats to all of those who gave the judges a tough time!
Now on to the really hard part - choosing my absolutely, very favorite ONE.
On that note... let's go.. top 5 dead or alive!!
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
A perfect ending to my day....(my birthday)!
Congrats to all the finalists, all well deserved!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
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Again.. Nice work everyone!!
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Everyone really did a fantastic job with this theme. You all are so awesome and I was honored to be one of your judges this round. I can't tell you how many times I said "Wow!" while reviewing the gallery. A round of applause for all the entrants...
Congrats to the finalists. Now, how do I narrow down to ONE vote?????
ps: Oh, I will be loading my comments into the gallery over the next few days so be patient with me. My smugmug user name is 'psphotos' so that's how they will show up.
Happpy Birthday to Karin also.
Happy Birthday Karin! :bday ...... Facebook
Olympus E-M5, 12-50mm, 45mm f/1.8
Some legacy OM lenses and an OM-10
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Smugger for life!
Most Popular Photos
All these photos are good, if not great but I wish the judges would choose more creative entries. It seems in these contest's the "pretty pictures" are rewarded even though they may not be as creative.
Specifically I am disappointed that CaiusMartius - Uprooted did not make it. Good gracious that is a great work of art, CaiusMartus please enter that photo in other contests.
O.K. I am off my soap box now so good luck to all selected because they all are really good comps and great photos., My Smugmug Home
Good for you for coming forward and supporting your favourites! Seriously. These are peer evaluated comps thus the harder we are on ourselves the better the critique, judging and most importantly the images.
But, hasn't anyone told you yet that the judges are blind? It's a really common occurrence for some reason. I look forward to being blind for two weeks at some stage. Although, I doubt it will happen to me any time soon. Damn judges.
In all fairness, because this was a unique theme that was more about the method of capture and less about the subject ( in my "blind" view
I truely think that nearly every single entry in the gallery shows real creativity, some show more creativity in their method of capture, some show more creativity in the subject captured, and just a few showed creativity in both method and subject.
Of course, your definition ( and everybody else's ) of "creativity" and mine may well differ, in fact I hope they do, as the world would be a really boring place otherwise.
I really admire your conviction and passion, those are good things to have in your camera bag. I hope you have put your name down to be considered as a guest judge, and that you win a challenge and get to judge that way too as your passion would be a great asset to judging. But at the end of the day that'll just mean that you too will become one of those damn blind judges:D:D:D:D
Tim ( formally blind judge, now regaining lost sight
For this theme creativity to me meant something that can not be done easily with lightroom, photoshop or other software, and also not any store bought lenses or filter. After all that is some one elses creativity packages up and sold.
You are correct sir about creativity, everyone's is different and that is the beauty of it.
My soap box was not just about this theme but themes in the past. I want this to be an area to really get us thinking outside the box. For us to rise to new levels. Nightpixels has done this for example.
Tim, I appreciated your critique of the entries. Well done.
BTW- I know there are blind judge('s) blind as in anonymous. What does that have to do with anything? The judges do select beautiful photos it is just IMO not the ones that push the creativity border more of the "traditional" images., My Smugmug Home
The fact that anyone appreciated what I came up with is reward enough. I received some nice comments and maybe inspired some people to seek out a hidden gem. That is a success in my book.
Thanks for your kind words.
Gear: Canon 7D
Canon 24-105 f/4 L
Canon 28mm f/1.8
Tamron 17-50 f/2.8
The "blind judges" have been an ongoing joke on the challenges for some time now. It isnt referring to anonymous judging, but rather it is referring ( in jest, hopefully ) is to the percieved blindness of the judges by the contestants.
Hence it is now the standing joke that the judges must be literally blind for not selecting the favourites that we feel should have been put through to the voting round. It has kinda spread from this thread
Hope this explains when folks keep saying that the darn judges are blind:D:D
It was a fun round and gave me (and obviously others) a chance to play in a way that we haven't played before. Go Sean.:ivar
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I've been more of a lurker here for a while, but I had to say something about these pics.