Problem with keyword search results page
When a keyword is clicked in the keywords box and a multi-page result is returned, clicking on a page number in the page-nav generates an erroneous URL. For example, clicking on the keyword 'Beijing' will return a multi-page result. If I then click on '6' in the page-nav, the resultant URL will be (which returns nothing because that URL is looking for a keyword [6] as opposed to a page number [6] ), instead of this:, (which would properly display page 6 of the keyword results for 'Beijing'). For some reason, the actual keyword itself is not included in the URL that is being generated.
Typing the correct URL into the browser works as it should, but the page-nav persistently generates a URL without the keyword associated with the results page.
This problem is a recent development. The keyword results page-nav has always worked correctly in the past.
I've tested this on IE 6, 7, & 8; Firefox 3.6.3; Safari 4.05; and Chrome 4.1, caches cleared, on Windows XP, all with the same result.
My site is My keywords box can be accessed at
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide with this.
- Dave Greenberg
Typing the correct URL into the browser works as it should, but the page-nav persistently generates a URL without the keyword associated with the results page.
This problem is a recent development. The keyword results page-nav has always worked correctly in the past.
I've tested this on IE 6, 7, & 8; Firefox 3.6.3; Safari 4.05; and Chrome 4.1, caches cleared, on Windows XP, all with the same result.
My site is My keywords box can be accessed at
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide with this.
- Dave Greenberg
You are forcing the keyword page style using some customizations. I do not see the same behavior on the default style. So I am thinking that it might be a customization that is causing it. I need to check with our customization folks to see if there is a fix.
Thanks for looking into this for me, Doc.
Yes, I am forcing the 'Traditional' view via javasript so that the keywords (and dates) pages match the rest of my site. The keywords-results page-nav has worked perfectly for six months from the 'Traditional' view until just a couple of days ago, when it went wonky. That's why I suspected a bug of some sort, as opposed to a customization problem. I'm not sure why a particular viewing style should have an effect on the page-nav functionality, anyway.
Whatever the case may be, thank you for pursuing this further for me. I appreciate it.
- Dave
I tested the keyword page on one of my test accounts several different ways without trying to force the style and it works.
I would recommend asking for some help with this in the customizations forum. The guys there may have some ideas on how you can make it work.
Before I posted here I posted to the thread in the customization forum that pertains to the script that forces the particular style view and the fellow that wrote the script explained that the only thing the script does is force the view - it does nothing else once the forced view has been attained.
Since the javasript is the only customization I'm doing to the keyword-results pages (beyond a few aesthetic changes), I'm not sure what I would even ask about in the customization forum beyond what I've already checked on regarding the script.
I realize that the keywords page-nav works correctly in the default, 'Smugmug' view. Given that it worked correctly as well in the 'Traditional' view prior to the changes to the styles and keyword pages that you mentioned, the question is, can anything be done to make it work properly in the 'Traditional' style again? It seems like that would have to be something addressed on the Smugmug end of things because the customization is only forcing the view, not touching the page-nav functionality.
Anything else you can do or insight you can provide would be very much appreciated. Thanks again for your help!
- Dave
The customizer and I continued to talk after my post and we think that part of the problem is that traditional was moved to the Old style list. We think part of it is that you cannot force the keywords page to the old styles.
I will ask our programmer that handles the styles to take a look and see if he has any thoughts or ideas.
Here's a link to the exchange I had with the author of the script that forces a style view: The relevant conversation is at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for your continued support with this issue. The question that comes to mind now is, will Smugmug essentially not be supporting customizations applied to what are now considered "old" viewing-styles? That would be extremely disappointing as I have devoted countless hours over the course of several years to designing and maintaining my site in the 'Traditional' style. I really hope there is a workaround for this particular problem with the keywords page-nav. It's pretty much the only thing holding back my site from being effectively finished at this point.
Thanks again, Doc, for your attention to this matter.
- Dave
Several Smug sites I've looked at on the 'net are working just fine, though they are all employ 'Smugmug' style views, so I can't test to see if all 'Traditional' style sites or just mine is now having this problem.
- Dave
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Thanks for checking in, John.
Moved the script to top JS; no change in functionality. Still getting "real" homepage instead of galleries or find pages.
- Dave
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Weird. It's showing in my top Javascript box, at the end of the content. I pasted it in again; still no change.
Moved it to the top of the content in top JS box. Still no change in behavior.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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Been doing that after every change to the code.
What are you seeing here: Are you seeing the categories boxes or are you seeing the same thing as this: ?
I'm seeing the same thing as this: on both of these pages:, in all of my browsers with fully cleared caches.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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Yep, you're right. I'm looking at the top javascript in Firefox webdev and the hasPath aint there. Yet it's in the top javascript box in the control panel, plain as day. Absolutely bizarre.
I'll open a help ticket.
Thank you so much for helping to troubleshoot this. I was starting to think I was losing my mind...
- Dave
Looks like the script finally took in the top javascript box. All duplicate homepage pages working correctly now. (Thanks again, John.)
Still hoping for some resolution on the original keyword page-nav problem.
- Dave