spyder3 elite

spyder3 elite<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <hr style="color: rgb(14, 14, 14); background-color: rgb(14, 14, 14);" size="1"> <!-- google_ad_section_start -->I am looking for monitor calibration hardware and recently used the spyder2.
i was looking at the spyder3 elite.
Can anyone recommend this product or possibly something else?
thanks in advance.
i was looking at the spyder3 elite.
Can anyone recommend this product or possibly something else?
thanks in advance.
My current too is an i1D2 hardware colorimeter. Works fine, but no real difference that I can see in what I was previously using.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
THe spyder2 is borrowed and I need to buy something. I have a 19" dell ultra sharp that is prolly 5 years old.....
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
* The cheapest Spyder 3 package I can find (just for the puck)
and this software to use with it:
* http://www.basiccolor.de/english/Datenblaetter_E/display_E/display_E.htm
I'm assured the software is excellent despite their sucky website!
My photos
"The future is an illusion, but a damned handy one." - David Allen
Or as pointed out above, the EyeOne Display with their software. Why buy a device from one manufacturer and spend money on software when the original isn’t presumably up to snuff?
Next time you are in the market for a display, the best approach is an integrated “smart monitor” that uses a number of good, 3rd party instruments with its own software to control the panel and thus, the entire calibration process (something like an NEC SpectraView II).
Author "Color Management for Photographers"