War Bonnet Roundup

webwizardwebwizard Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
edited August 15, 2005 in Sports
These are some of my favaorite images from last year's War Bonnet. I'll have some from this year's rodeo in a bit.

If you look carefully, under the rider's right hand you'll see a very interested fan.

Cutting it close.

Mutton Bustin'

Hung Up


  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited August 14, 2005
    That first one is nice.

    What's the War Bonnet? Where's it held?

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • webwizardwebwizard Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited August 14, 2005
    Yup That's my favorite.

    The War Bonnet Roundup is the oldest rodeo in Idaho. Goes back to 1911. It's held annually the first week in August in Idaho Falls, ID
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited August 14, 2005
    webwizard wrote:
    Yup That's my favorite.

    The War Bonnet Roundup is the oldest rodeo in Idaho. Goes back to 1911. It's held annually the first week in August in Idaho Falls, ID


    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • burkeburke Registered Users Posts: 131 Major grins
    edited August 14, 2005
    wow! Those are some great action shots -
    the mutton bustin' one seems oof, but the others are very crisp (especially given such a challenging subject - you must have some fast glass!!)
    nice work! :):
  • webwizardwebwizard Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited August 15, 2005
    burke wrote:
    wow! Those are some great action shots -
    the mutton bustin' one seems oof, but the others are very crisp (especially given such a challenging subject - you must have some fast glass!!)
    nice work! :):
    Thanks. That one is a little oof. I used a 10D which was just out of the shipping container a few days before. I had my old Canon 80-200mm EF 2.8 lens for these pix.

    I am still getting used to the cameras. This was only my second experience shooting digital. My back up body was a Digital Rebel which I used on a vacation trip in May. That was my first digital experience. I sold the Rebel shortly thereafter and bought a 20D. Which is another learning curve.

    Love the digital world though.
  • ruttrutt Registered Users Posts: 6,511 Major grins
    edited August 15, 2005
    Love #1. Great action and composition. Maybe sharpen to fix slight oof look? You never know.
    If not now, when?
  • ltdesignphotovideoltdesignphotovideo Registered Users Posts: 146 Major grins
    edited August 15, 2005
    Those are great shots, WW. I like the ones where the riders are in mid air. #1 and #4 are great.
    Lindsay Thompson
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