I just checked my statcounter report this morning after adding a slideshow to my HOMEPAGE , and I found the following link under one user (chrome 5.0):
Which is a link to a slideshow from within the hidden gallery (in which I had image size set to "original"). Does this mean someone, through my homepage slideshow, found a way to this hidden gallery? As far as I know I can't password protect this album if I want the images to be in the slideshow.
Which is a link to a slideshow from within the hidden gallery (in which I had image size set to "original"). Does this mean someone, through my homepage slideshow, found a way to this hidden gallery? As far as I know I can't password protect this album if I want the images to be in the slideshow.
Was it green like this? That's a referring link. They clicked your slideshow to get to whatever page was shown in black. (I think) Also, it isn't a link to your gallery. It is a link to your homepage slideshow, without the homepage...
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Another reason is I checked myself from my girlfriend's computer and this is what I get when I click on the homepage gallery:
"No referring link
Same thing here on two different computers, one using my direct internet access and the other using my neighbour's wireless from my laptop.
I clicked the slideshow 5 times with 5 similar results. The referring link was never the image itself in it's own gallery's slideshow, or the image itself in the gallery.
Not that I watch statcounter all day, but I've not seen anything like this in the two years I've had it!
Just never seen that before, which is why it made me wonder. I had switched the max viewing size to "medium" immediately after noticing, so no harm done I think.
Have you embedded the slideshow anyplace else? I know I have put one on our facebook page, so was thinking maybe that was the referring page for mine...
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Anyway, I don't worry now that that I set the referrence gallery max image size to medium. It sure appeared from the statcounter file that this person looked at all the photos, which may by itself appear that it just went through the slideshow, but the timecodes showed that he spent more than 20 seconds on at least five of the 20 or so images.
Just seems fishy
BTW, how did you embed the slideshow on your Facebook page? I am having a hard time personalizing mine!
Your slideshow is set up so that when people click on it, they go to this link: http://www.cyclingphotos.ca/ROAD-2010/
You can change that...
As for facebook...
I use Static FBML (http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=4949752878) to add custom tabs to my facebook fan page. There are lots of tutorials here: http://www.hyperarts.com/
I used this: http://smugshowbuilder.appspot.com/ to make the slideshows you see on my static FBML tabs.
Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
Yeah, you definitely need to know a little more about html for static FBML than you do for smugmug.
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