First try at a BIF..
Caught this duck flying over the lake at the school I work at one day. He was perched on the swimming dock but flew when one of the kids made a loud noise. I wasn't exactly ready to "shoot" him while flying but caught up to him with my lens and started "firing" away with my D70s. Of the entire sequence, this was the best composed one, albeit not very focused. However, some of my friends think that the blurriness adds to the value. What do you guys think??


"To change the world starts with one step--no matter how small the first is always hardest of all"---DJM
"To change the world starts with one step--no matter how small the first is always hardest of all"---DJM
the birds fly across in front of you, not flying away or towards you.
Sometimes a bit of wing blur looks good in the picture, (or at least I think so)
but this one has a bit to much.
Only one way to get better at it, and that's to practice, practice, practice.
BTW, Welcome to Dgrin.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
A bit of motion blur on the wings can be a dramatic effect and a psoitive on a shot. Thanks for sharing your shot. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
"To change the world starts with one step--no matter how small the first is always hardest of all"---DJM