Problem with \find and \galleries links implemented with javascript

There are at least 3 of us who have been experiencing problems with the javascript to create a separate galleries page. The code I'm referring to is the javascript from this tutorial - So while it may be a sort of a hack, it is a well-documented chunk of code that many smug customers are using.
This morning, my \find page stopped working. It dropped viewers to the home page rather than the find page for a good chunk of the day. I moved the hasPath javascript from the bottom to the top javascript box in an attempt to fix it. No luck. Several hours later, it started working again.
I have seen at least 2 other threads reporting problems with \galleries links placing viewers on the home page and not the designated galleries page.
Something somewhere has changed.
In the hopes that we can get some smug attention on this problem, yes, I've essentially duplicated some other threads in the customization forum. I believe there is a problem somewhere in smug. Sites that have been working for a long time should not suddenly stop working.
Related threads: Please, can we get some sorcerer attention to this problem?
--- Denise
This morning, my \find page stopped working. It dropped viewers to the home page rather than the find page for a good chunk of the day. I moved the hasPath javascript from the bottom to the top javascript box in an attempt to fix it. No luck. Several hours later, it started working again.
I have seen at least 2 other threads reporting problems with \galleries links placing viewers on the home page and not the designated galleries page.
Something somewhere has changed.
In the hopes that we can get some smug attention on this problem, yes, I've essentially duplicated some other threads in the customization forum. I believe there is a problem somewhere in smug. Sites that have been working for a long time should not suddenly stop working.
Related threads: Please, can we get some sorcerer attention to this problem?
--- Denise ...
Musings & ramblings at
Musings & ramblings at
It looks clear to me that Smugmug changed the bottom javascript to be after the custom header, when it used to be before. This can easily break people's sites. Smug made this change once before 6-12 months ago and after realizing the consequences of the change, they put it back. I again think they should put it back so an unknown number of people's sites are not broken.
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If this is still occurring can someone please supply me with some pages that are still experiencing errors?
SmugMug Sourcerer
Ok, thanks. I am looking into this right now.
SmugMug Sourcerer
But the \galleries page on this site is still not working for me - It's going to the home page.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Denise did you leave the hasPath call for /find in your top javascript by chance? We had a temporary issue with caching that would have made it appear that that fix didn't work, because you were likely getting the stale top javascript that didn't have your change. But as Andy mentioned, that is fixed (and is probably why "hours later" it worked).
I'm just wondering if that change is still alive in your site and why one works and the other doesn't.
As you can realize, if people are using script references in their custom footer to scripts in their bottom javascript, things used to work and now no longer work. Most people won't necessarily realize something is busted right away.
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Is the top javascript the right place for it now?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yeah, it was a mistaken change. We're undoing it now. Should go out tonight.
Yeah, so the reason it took a number of hours was the temporary cached js bug I mentioned. That was fixed earlier today. You'll be able to move it all back to bottom javascript after tonight.
Second time this mistake has been made. I hope you change something in the process to prevent it again.
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