#1 is the inside of an orange peel...but it looks fabulous.
#2 is my fav of the group here. It looks like some sort of metal lettering...but the lighting and texture and mystery to exactly what I am looking at is top notch!
the rest of them look like a bunch of lug nuts of some sort. I would stick with #2!
Yes, #2 is a mystery and the colors/lighting are great. I like the orange peel, too...well, actually, they are all great photos. : ) but for WTH, I think you nailed it with #2. I keep staring at it for a clue...no idea at all.
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun..." Mary Poppins
#2 finds me anxious for you to pan out so I can see what it is. Maybe the brand name or logo of the item. Can't be Ford or Chevrolet. Love the lighting on it.
I love the hard, dramatic lighting in #2, and has been said, it leaves me wanting to see more of the object as it definitely makes me wonder WTH is that.
#2 is my fav of the group here. It looks like some sort of metal lettering...but the lighting and texture and mystery to exactly what I am looking at is top notch!
the rest of them look like a bunch of lug nuts of some sort. I would stick with #2!
EDIT...could the it be all from a fire hydrant?
I love getting up close and personal with my subject! One of these years I'll spring for a real macro lens.
In the meantime, I'll try getting a bit closer and see if I can crop a bit tighter.
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun..." Mary Poppins
Best are #1, and #2 - great shots!
So, you didn't use a macro lens, guess... (?)
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I like the lighting and tones of your orange peel.
#2 is my favorite of the group.
For some reason I think of a big hunk of cheese when I look at #4!
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