Around the Neighborhood with the Girlfriend - C&C Welcomed!

So I pretty much have the coolest girlfriend ever.. and I recently found out that Sarah wants to start taking more pictures so she can get back into photography as well and I was all over that idea. So the other day, we took my cameras out for a spin and just walked around her neighborhood and onto the nearby school in Coppell. I haven’t looked at the pictures she took yet.. but I know some of them came out great! But I couldn’t help but edit a few of these fun pictures of her I took on our little journey around the neighborhood. Prom was last night and I’m sure those pictures will be up tomorrow or something soon. For the time being, here are the shots around the neighborhood.
Check out the entire series and blog post at
C&C Welcomed!
Check out the entire series and blog post at
C&C Welcomed!
My first model shoot was with my fiancee, and I think those are honestly the best pictures I've ever taken up until now.