Not a Huge Issue, But...

I use PS CS3 and Bridge. It used to be that when I plugged my D80 camera into the computer the dialog box from Bridge would automatically pop up so I could bring the images from the camera to my hard drive then automatically open up Bridge. Cool!
But now, when I plug the camera in, I get a Windows XP folder directory of the folders on my camera so now I have to open Bridge and select the "Get Photos from Camera" item in the File drop down menu in order to get the same Bridge dialog box that used to pop up automatically.
I haven't knowingly changed any settings and I've poked around Bridge and haven't found any settings for this. It may be a Windows XP issue but I'm not sure where to look for it there.
Again, it's not a huge issue. I just liked it much better before. I'm probably overlooking the obvious (again) but I'd welcome any suggestions.
But now, when I plug the camera in, I get a Windows XP folder directory of the folders on my camera so now I have to open Bridge and select the "Get Photos from Camera" item in the File drop down menu in order to get the same Bridge dialog box that used to pop up automatically.
I haven't knowingly changed any settings and I've poked around Bridge and haven't found any settings for this. It may be a Windows XP issue but I'm not sure where to look for it there.
Again, it's not a huge issue. I just liked it much better before. I'm probably overlooking the obvious (again) but I'd welcome any suggestions.
Connect the device, plug in the card reader or whatever. Then go to My Computer and right click the device, select Properties. On the Autoplay tab, choose "Prompt me each time..."
Eject and reconnect the device to test.
After poking around the internet some, I'm starting to think it's a WIN XP or registry issue
Just gotta keep looking I guess.
Thanks again.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Have you recently updated Bridge or other software that have autoplay for pictures? I have experienced Lightroom updates messing up the autoplay options for pictures. Installing the update again might fix it.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I've narrowed down the problem. I copied some NEF files to a USB drive, unplugged it, and when I plugged it back in I got the Windows folder and files directory.
I then added some JPG's to the drive, unplugged it, and when I plugged it back in I got the desired autoplay action.
So it seems that Windows is not recognizing NEF files as images and/or is not recognizing the camera device so the desired autoplay is not being invoked.
I associated NEF files to images in the folder options and that didn't work so I either did that wrong or I need to change something somewhere else.
So now at least I know where the problem is. I just gotta figure out how to fix it. I posted on a WinXP forum so maybe some propeller head over there will have a solution. But, I still welcome any suggestions from the Dgrin gang.
Thanks again.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I just thought I would post a follow up with the resolution to the problem.
In short, there is no resolution to the problem :bash .
First, WinXP does not recognize the .NEF extension as a picture, nor can you teach it to even in "File Types" under Folder Options. So it appears that Windows has to recognize the camera device to start the Bridge photo down loader.
I posted the problem on several WinXP forums but no one there had a viable solution.
I poked all through Windows settings and even the registry (a scary place to poke around) but didn't find anything that looked like it might be related to the problem.
So, in the end, all I have is two work arounds:
1. Keep a jpeg image in my camera cuz the autoplay seems to work if it sees a .jpg.
2. I put a shortcut to Bridge photodownloader.exe on my desk top so I can start it manually if I have to.
As to what may have caused the problem, I did install a trial version of Nikon's CaptureNX then uninstalled it when I found it had some limitations I didn't like. I guess it's possible that CaptureNX hijacked the autoplay feature from Bridge and didn't restore it when I uninstalled the program.
A very frustrating problem indeed, but like I said up front, it's not that big an issue so I'll just have to live with the workarounds. Life will still go on in spite of it all.
Thanks again to those posted their suggestions.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Hope this helps,
Stephen Marsh