API methods for "collect photos" feature

There doesn't seem to be any support in the 1.2.2 API for collecting photos.
Would it be possible to incorporate collecting photos into the API? This would be very useful for me anyway
Would it be possible to incorporate collecting photos into the API? This would be very useful for me anyway

Yes, we should have methods for collecting photos soon...it's been delayed by a few other projects.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hi David,
Any guess about when API methods for collecting photos will be available? These would certainly be quite useful.
~ David
Sorry for the delay. I added smugmug.images.collect today so it should be going out with this week's push.
I haven't added a method for uncollecting yet, as I'm in two minds about how to implement it. I initially was going to add smugmug.images.uncollect, but now I am leaning towards adding an optional AlbumID parameter to smugmug.images.delete which is result in uncollecting instead of deleting if the ImageID is 'Collected' within the supplied AlbumID.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks so much - you are awesome!
Interesting. They're both good options. The latter is nice because it lets you delete an image from an album without requiring that you first determine if the image is collected or not. But whatever approach you choose will work just fine for me.
Thanks David!
SmugMug API Developer
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yes, you obviously need to collect an image into an album.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
btw, love the vomiting rainbow avatars you always have--they always make me laugh, lol.
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Dave, could you please add the uncollect method? Either of the approaches you had in mind works for me.
This would be great. I'm looking for the same thing. Either of the two approaches for uncollecting would work for me as well, but having it built-in to the smugmug.images.delete API method might save one API call.
Also, the developer has been able to add an image to a album without a login for that user. You guys might want to look into this.
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This method doesn't require AlbumKey as it's only available for the target gallery owner.
I just tried collecting images to a gallery that is not owned by the same user I used to log in. The call succeeds (returns OK) but the image doesn't appear in the target gallery since I'm not the owner.
I'll have the developer look at his code. He doesn't have my login info or oauth, and yet was able to add an image into one of my galleries using the API.
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Let me take another look. Just to be sure.
Hi Samir,
Can you please provide details of which image he was able to add to which album ?
SmugMug API Developer
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this issue should be fixed live.
SmugMug API Developer
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I am the developer conducting a collect on from a source to a destination.
Here is an example of how I am doing this:
So if you noticed, I am using $f1, or the Source's Session to conduct the collect. Two problems occur to this:
1. The Destination Session is anonymous yet a collect can still occur so I can place images inside anyone's public Albums...
2. Switching $f1 to $f2 during a collect will return Code 4: Invalid User EVEN when I use the destination username/email and password...
That is the issue. It would seem to make more sense if the Destination's Session be used, not the source's.
Thanks for the detailed explanation. Certainly based in the explanation this is not working as expected. Did you try this after 19th, when Devbobo said he fixed the issue?
I tried this right after the fix and receive "Error 4; invalid user" when I don't have a valid session to the destination account.
I can however collect images to my own albums from other users as long as they have enabled collecting images.
I'll re-do my test today to be sure.
On an image delete:
and on Image Collect/Copy:
There is a problem if the image is a copy itself, it will not remove the image or copy/collect the image since it originated from another source. Is that correct behavior?
Edit: It may be on images that have been collected.