Topaz DeNoise

Anyone use Topaz Denoise? I used to use Noise Ninja inside another tool, but that was ages ago. this looks very interesting, and there is a new version out, with great promo pricing.
Is this any better/easier than the controls in Lightroom?
Is this any better/easier than the controls in Lightroom?
HOWEVER, be aware that is it very resource intensive. It's slow even on a fast machine.
I strongly recommend you try before you buy so you know what to expect. But it's a really good filter if you can accept the significant processing time.
I am finding that all my modest noise reduction needs are more than met by the Lightroom 3 beta. However, Denoise would be useful if you wanted to selectively apply the NR on a separate layer. For example, to only reduce shadow noise.
So Topaz Denoise works only with Photoshop? Their website seems to say it is a LR plugin...but I am not sure how. Are you suggesting I would be better off paying Adobe yet more $#$%! money for yet another upgrade instead of something like Topaz? Does LR3 have camera noise profiles etc?
The advantage of using Photoshop or another host program is you can do the NR on a separate layer and brush in/brush out the noise. Whether you use it as a host plugin or a standalone editor, you still have to render a TIF/PSD. I'd rather reduce noise in raw whenever possible.
As to LR3, it's still in beta and not feature complete. However, it's luminance and color noise reduction are quite good without camera profiling. One thing I learned from visiting the Adobe forums is that their NR scales -- so 20 Color NR is applied differently at 200 ISO than it is at 3200 ISO.
I just did a quick test with an ISO 3200 image. I'd tentatively say that LR3 does slightly better in color noise, and Topaz does slightly better in flat smooth regions. But there's enough sliders in both programs that I might not have optimized one or the other program.