How long can a tether cord be???

I need one that lets me move around 20' from my PC. My electronics department d00d, says; ugh ugh, no can do,,,, any longer than 10' and you run the risk of file corruption.
Is this correct? :scratch
Is this correct? :scratch
He's prob about right..I'd heard 12' but ten's close. Cannot remember where I'd read it, perhaps Strobist, er somewhere
Found this
Thanks, Tom.
Reading this post from the link you posted;
I take it that I can run a 15 footer off my computron
> a hub. Then I'm good to run another 15 footer from it (hub)
> my camera.
That would be grand, if it works.... Which leads me to another Q; If by chance I do get a corrupted file, will it be visually noticeable on my monitor at time of capture or would it be something that lies hidden until I process?
Canon 7d
2 Canon 40d
70-200 f2.8L IS, 50mm f1.4, 50mm f1.8, 28mm f1.8, Tamron 17-55 f2.8, ProOptic 8mm Fisheye
And a bunch of other stuff
Speaking of long cable runs, I even had to do a 100 foot VGA run (two 50 foot cables connected with a cheap adapter...unpowered) and it works fine. Crazy, considering what the standard says for the limit. It's more forgiving than a digital signal though. hehe
My Web Site
Feels good that this was one problem that didn't run me, 150 clams, minimum.....
Again, I thank ya all for ye's support.