Stupid Squirrels

The neighborhood squirrels took a liking to my amateur radio antenna tuner. This poor thing was mounted to one of the beams supporting the cover over my deck.

Not only did they chew through the wire harness, they nawed all over the case of the tuner... and the tuner is made out of aluminum and ABS plastic!

Not only did they chew through the wire harness, they nawed all over the case of the tuner... and the tuner is made out of aluminum and ABS plastic!
don't have to kill the little buggers, but one pump will give 'em a good bite in the ass. I've tried squirrel proof bird feeders and none of them have worked, they still gnaw the heck out of the feeders trying to get at the seed. So I've gone on the offensive.
On the other hand, I bet a felt cleaning pellet would sting pretty good
Now, look at the TEETH on that thang..
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
I've learned with this one, you let her on your bed once, she's gonna ALWAYS be there. She's weird though, the one and only creature I've ever seen her eat were some baby rabbits she and another neighborhood dog found on one of our walks through the hills up here. The squirrels, the mice, the rats, the gophers - NONE get eaten, though they all get crunched. What I'm most impressed with is her "instant kill" method. The one animal she hasn't gotten an instant kill with was a young skunk a few weeks ago.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
think those claws and teeth are big enough? (thats an xlarge jar of peanut butter)
In any event, most of our squirrels live in the ground, though you certainly won't see a shortage of them in the trees. But around here they've also got to watch out for the red-tails, the kestrels, the ravens, and the crows. Somehow, the ground seems safer. They really raid a lot of migratory birds' nests, so I encourage the dog to do her thing.
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Age and Treachery
My caught dog a squirrel once... A ground squirrel that she wouldnt let me pick up after she'd killed it... Stupid dog. I hate dogs. Im a cat person... Actually, Im a fish person... Pisces...
Dude, yove gotta post pics of you nailing the squirrel in the ass with a pellet! That would be so awesome! And a pic of the squirrel going fyling off the electrified bird feeder! Sweetness!
I remember when I lived in Washington (state, doofusi [plural for doofus]), during the winter, a North American Kestrel (the one with neat colorations on the breast and wings) flew right head first into our kitchen window, and lay unconcsious and spread-eagle in the snow for a bit. Then, when I opened the door to try and pick it up and see if it was alright, it got up, made the funniest squawk Ive ever heard from a raptor, and flew off. I bet that was a squawk of emberassment... Hee Hee...
I cannot believe you're a Pisces.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
:nono WARNING: Rated R for very strong squirrel-type language! :nono
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Age and Treachery
Yes, no shame here; I am 18. *cant wait for a different tone in people's posts*
You are either a Pisces or an Aquarius, but its definitely water related!
Do you know your Native American symbol/totem animal? Im the Wolf... Woof.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Oh yeah earwax? I bet I can guess your age too! Sure, you may have taken enough photo classes to easily blind-side a newb like me, but youre only really in your late 20's/early 30's, with a margin of about +/- three years! Im just adding to your opinion of me, arent I? WELL AH DON CARE! *Snickers* Heh, the only good thing in Atlanta is [AS], and hell take the rest!
Wasnt this post originally about squirrels?
Beyond that, I can only tell you that when you can snatch the pebble from my hand will you have the true wisdom, grasshoppah. But first, you must be able to walk across the rice paper and leave no trace.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery