#50 - Looking for feedback

All this 'working to a theme' is still new to me. I went out today looking for spirals and S-curves. Here are my first three, and any comments, good or bad, are welcome.
Garden Posts
The metal poles that will hold the bean plants that are just sprouting in our garden. Maybe with the focus point further away?

A single branch of another tree curves its way above the chestnut tree. A non-overcast day would help, I think.

"Roman Columns" with seafood
Spiral noodles at a local restaurant that we frequent.

Garden Posts
The metal poles that will hold the bean plants that are just sprouting in our garden. Maybe with the focus point further away?

A single branch of another tree curves its way above the chestnut tree. A non-overcast day would help, I think.

"Roman Columns" with seafood
Spiral noodles at a local restaurant that we frequent.

Jerry in Vienna http://www.jerrybarton.eu
Yep them be "golden" spirals
2 & 3 don't do anything for me I'm afraid.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
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#1 for me, too. I think it's worth comparing it to the the golden spiral in the links that have been posted:
I'm not sure if I always buy the golden rules (at least of photography), but I like training my eye to be able to see them, and am willing to be convinced that the "golden" proportions do make a more powerful picture.