Need Help on Changing Gallery Prices
I've made the mistake of individually pricing galleries and also being inconsistent in applying prices. I've gone in to set up Portfolio pricing, but my question now is how do I apply the Portfolio pricing to all of the galleries set up with Gallery pricing? In the pricing section, it does allow me to change pricing for multiple galleries, but the option for Portfolio pricing is greyed out (can't pick). Is there a work around for this? If I changed one of the galleries to match Portfolio pricing and then applied the pricing for that gallery to all others, would that work?
Moon Mullen
Moon Mullen
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Thanks for the reply. I can see how that works one gallery at a time (I have 190 galleries), but when you go to the Galleries tab, no option is available for Portfolio pricing. I changed one gallery to match my Portfolio pricing and am going to try to apply that particular gallery pricing to multiple galleries using the Galleries tab. When setting up my Portfolio pricing the description does say these will become the default prices for newly created galleries.
Bob Mullen
Apply this Pricing: Clear Pricing
Shouldn't "clearing the pricing" from a gallery put the portfolio pricing in charge?
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I should have kept track of what I was doing, but I did "clear" pricing and for a subset of galleries applied the pricing from another gallery. As I check through all of my galleries the Portfolio pricing is showing up. My guess is it was the clear pricing action, but I can't be sure. At least I've got the problem corrected and going forward all should be well. Thanks again.